In his 106th year. after a life lived fully,  in Salvador do Mundo, Nairobi 
and London. 

The funeral will be on Thursday 7th July:
Requiem Mass at:   St Joan of Arc’s Church, 19 Tilford Road, Farnham, SurreyGU9 
                                At 11.00 a.m.
Cremation at:         Aldershot Crematorium, Guildford Road, Aldershot GU12 4BP
                                At 12.00
Thereafter, refreshments at St Joan of Arc’s Church Hall
Rather than flowers, having spent most of his life in Kenya , Hector would have 
liked us to support a charity in that country.  Accordingly, we have selected 
the Kimilili Trust which is a registered charity (1106889) – see
Fr. Sergio, at your next mass will you please offer God thanks for the gift of 
this remarkable man who spent his entire life dedicated to serving others.
John, Neville, Denzil & Clive

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