Tony de Sa wrote:  There was a Save Goa Movement in Goa approximately
5 years ago. Today the so called Saviours of Goa have sacrificed the
the votes of gullible voters who voted them into power at the altar of
opportunism and power.  I can only hope that the Save Goa Campaign
does not follow suit. At the end of the day, the primrose path to
perdition is still paved with good intentions! It is also to be hoped
that the good intentions will be sustained and not SOLD down the

My dear Tonybab,

My opinion - for what it is worth.

1: Carmen Miranda (who, I consider to be the driving force of SGM) is
not in it for the publicity.

2: She might be a dreamer - but she is not naive.

3: She does not need to do this. She wants to make an effort. She is
trying without looking for 'political or material compensation'.

4: Individuals like her cannot be bought. So there is nothing that will be SOLD.

5: If the SGM fails, it won't be because of the principals of SGM; It
will be because 'men' without principles will continue to place
granite walls to obstruct the betterment of Goa.

6: Your 'thoughts', however benign in their intention, are unkind to
individuals like Carmen.

7: I may be wrong ....but I do not believe I am.

8: It is better to have tried and succeeded than not have tried at all.

with good wishes to Carmen, SGM ....and to you.


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