Eddie Fernandes <eddie.fernan...@gmail.com> wrote :

[1] There is no room for airing

(a)dirty laundry in public or
(b) clean laundry fraudulently presented as rubbish.

[2] The truth deserves respect in any argument, without it  there is
no integrity


My dear Eddie,

three quick points:

re [1](a): There, indeed, is room for airing dirty laundry (about a
public entity) in public as long as the airing is done equitably and
fairly by a person who is neither biased nor has a vested interest in
bringing down the public entity.

re [1](b): Fraudulent misrepresentation is for crooks and other
political operatives

re [2]: Very well said.

I will add the following:

* Whatever others may have said and done to us before, today is a new
day. I am not saying that we must be naive and subject ourselves to be
conned again (if we were conned before).All I suggest is that we be
fair, reasonable and equitable. Defending oneself is an absolute
right. BUT, this business of hate, retribution and fraudulent
misrepresentation to get back at another, has an uncanny method of
doing the boomerang. Ask any politician who once thought he was

* If we do not wish to participate in an event being organised by our
brothers and sisters from Goa, let's stay at home OR go to Ottawa or
Timbuktu. We can pretend that the function is not happening and that
the folks are just going to have some good food and drinks; we are not
invited. That's all.

* I personally (on behalf of Ema and myself) wish the organisers of
this convention .....once again .....ALL the very best. Like any other
function, Murphy's Law might strike and nothing much might come out of
it (at least immediately). The good part is that, despite the nay
sayers, you would have tried. So ....Go ahead and do your best ....and
definitely have a good time.



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