On Mon, 05 Sep 2011 21:27:56 -0700 Sandeep Heble wrote: <<<1.
All our rallies were organised in a perfectly legal manner including the
Student Rallies, with permissions legally obtained from School managements and
other authorities like the Collector, Police, etc. Parents were also intimated
and due consent was obtained. 2. I do not know which planet Jose and Dr Falcao
have been living on. In Goa as in the rest of India, Students have been
participating in

rallies all the time, whether State supported rallies and parades like
the Independence Day or Republic Day or other rallies organised for social
causes like environment, terrorism, equality, etc…>>>


COMMENT : This further clarifies that “perfectly legal manner” is not
clearly understood. We are talking in respect to the authority anyone can
assume over children or students to take them to the streets during school
hours when they should be in school. During those hours the child is in the
care of the school or College or Institution. And if in those hours it has
transferred its responsibility over the child to someone else, it has flouted
the role of ‘A CARE GIVER” under the Goa Children’s Act 2003.

Secondly. Legal definition of Child exploitation refers to the use of
children for someone else’s advantage, gratification or profit often resulting
in unjust, cruel and harmful treatment of the child, that are to the 
detrimental to the child’s mental health, education and moral development.

And lastly, yes, Jose and I do not know that there is an Indian planet
where corruption is the order of the day. So why fight corruption? If
irresponsible and illegal methods are followed on the rest of that planet, why
not follow it in Goa too, that too to make a show against the corrupt norm by
making a show of numbers which otherwise without students would have been just 
a handful?
Political mentality this.


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


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