Sandeep Heble wrote: Before I answer Jose's questions, Could he
please tell us what kind of consent is required from the parents and
under what provisions of law.

Dear Sandeep,

A child is a minor and hence cannot be made/invited to do anything
without the informed consent of his/her parents. You know of any law
which allows you to do so, please enlighten me. The need for a valid
consent is based on the principles of autonomy and self determination
(please vide Art 21 Constitution of India).

Does Goa NO LONGER have an "Age of Consent" on its law books?

BTW: Do you consider 'organising children without parental informed
consent' the ethical thing to do?

As the 'organisers' have taken (rightly IMHO)  the high ethical road
wrt corruption, I would have thought that they would have taken the
high ethical ground ....period.

Your answers suggest to me that you did NOT (do correct me if I am in
error) seek the informed consent of the parents of these children.

If you have obtained informed consent, I am sure you will advise us
how you went about it.

If you did not, you might just play "atya-patya" with me on this matter.

You may also suggest that one does NOT need to obtain informed consent
from the parents of minors for non-school matters.

If that is your position, I can only wish you well.

Oh Yes .... you might also indicate to us the "Law" which allows you
to "invite" school children (not your own) to participate in rallies
etc without the informed consent of their children.


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