I would kindly request Marshall not to continue to use political smears against 
me, just because I corrected the erroneous information he had posted on Goanet 
regarding the recent change in visa rules. Also, as alluded to before, I hope 
someone with the right background and expertise would provide him with the 
knowledge he does not possess, by answering the diversionary questions he asks 
below to cover up for his errors on the visa issue.

As for me, having lived in two secular countries, I know that India is as 
secular a country as any other, with many imperfect laws that need to be 
repealed or amended from time to time.



--- On Tue, 9/6/11, Marshall Mendonza <mmendonz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Santosh in his usual style has
> indulged in a lot of politically loaded
> polemics (without any substance) that would put many a
> seasoned politician
> to shame. Disregarding the same, I would prefer to focus on
> the main points
> raised by me which he has been unable to explain.
> 1. Why were christians and other minorities excluded from
> the Treaty of
> 1974?
> 2. why did it take 37 long years to rectify the error when
> representations
> were made in the past to the govt by the affected parties
> ?
> 3. Were christians and buddhists included now by an
> amendment to the Treaty
> or by mere changes in the classification by the Indian
> govt?
> 4. Why are dalit christians and muslims denied benefits
> available to dalits
> of hindu, sikh and buddhist religions despite the
> recommendations of the
> Ranganath Mishra Commission which was instituted by the
> Govt of India
> itself. For those not familiar with the
> recommendations,here are some
> weblinks (see pg 144):
> http://www.mfsd.org/mishrareport/NCRLM%201E.pdf
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mishra_Commission
> If Santosh is serious in engaging in a healthy debate
> rather than indulging
> in polemics, I would be interested in knowing his views
> whether it is proper
> for citizens to be discriminated against on the basis of
> religion in a
> secular country.
> Regards,
> Marshall

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