Many an armchair specialist ensconced in ivory towers find it difficult to
digest the movement of this  un assuming foot soldier He has no academic
qualifications and university degrees to flaunt no, medals of valour  and
bravery to display, no colourful decorations, medals , no honorary  degree`s
conferred by any university ,no titles of appreciations by the Govt., he is
not listed in any records local or international , not applauded by any
social awards and recognition . Till  now he was confined to the  state of
Maharashtra and his works in an indiscrete village. This a man and a legend
who was catapulted to the stage at National,International world level level.
I think, rightly he has taken the movement like a storm leaving a carved
trail and impact It is uncharitable to call and label him as unworthy
individual because of his background  and standing in the society A person
should be judged by the yard stick of his work and contribution and not find
an excuse so  mean to discredit and hang him His leanings , philosophies
associations  are no barometer of his steadfastness to the cause devoted
with unflinching determination. He has not dithered from his single minded
determination, at the cost of his own life by under taking a fast To impute
motives of personal grandeur is belittling the larger goal He raised the
conscience of thousands of Indians , spontaneously, voluntarily, without
coercion ,force, inducements  and appealing to passions and emotions None
can  ever doubt the veracity and character, inclinations of participants of
all denominations ,professions, sex, ages to act as supporters ,bearing
inclement weather,conditions of the place, and pangs of hunger , thirst and
deprivation of comfort used to at odd hours of the day/night.. He has single
handedly galvanized the masses like no other leader without the clout of
power, resources, experience and financial muscles.  I wonder  whether his
critics can muster  public supporters and convert even a modest numbers to
their points of view The magnetism and response will be a topic for future
analysis of this simple but charismatic leader The people easily identified
wit his  worthy  cause, as genuine, touching them deeply at ever stage of
their waking and sleeping life The Govt tried every means of arrest,
detention, release, defamations trumped up charges against his team
,discredited him  to be corrupt from head to foot ,dictating the Parliament,
adamant and ignorant of the due process of law, but nothing succeeded like
success  It is not a victory for Anna and his team .It is a victory of the
teeming multitudes in every village and town in India and abroad, it si a
victory of the cause to end corruption We could at least be charitable not
to abuse him with  choicest palliatives and be the wisest owls in comparison
to the following he commanded and more so being so indiscreet and unknown

It is true that all what Anna wants is not in the realm of reality and
enforceable The demands may be too steep  That alone in no way makes him a
pariah of the so called self assuming intelligentsia to be denigrated,
mocked and slighted

Anna is definitely not WHO, he is more than you and me , unheard and
unsung,  unlike us,with all our pride and standing .Anna has carved a
permanent niche in the hearts and minds of People, which is a permanent ,
indelible monument He will live longer than any of us in the psyche of the
Indians He is a part of history  and soul of the National conscience,  raising
his might to fight the scandals and cancer of corruption in India He has
forced and raised this issue at the conscious  level ,dormant and
hibernating for 42 years ,brought 8 times to the parliament and shelved both
by the Congress and the NDA The level of corruption to day should wake up
all concerned and to fight tooth and nail, this hydra headed menace Anna has
shown the way , it is for us to proceed

Anna is not who, Anna is how he lead the movement and drew world attention
to his peaceful protest and made the parliament to take a serious note If
that is not an achievement of the movement , what is it? The non violence
has given the politicians food for thought ,not to ignore the public opinion
and to frame legislation according the wishes of voters, whom they represent
The Sovereignty of the Parliament and the Supremacy of the people, who give
delegated authority to the representatives are co existence Many laws are
not implemented , but that is no reason to bring forth as strong LOk PAL
bill, that will address substantially some problems Why do we not force
implementations of the existence statutes as informed and concerned citizens

Nelson lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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