George Pinto:****

If there was no Congress corruption, there would be no basis for Advani to
do anti-corruption tours. One should not put bullets in your enemy's gun and
then be surprized when the gun is fired.****


Does George suggest that the BJP or for that matter any ruling party in
India is non-corrupt? Has he heard of Yeddyurappa and the Reddy brothers of
Bellary? Is he aware why the CM of Uttarakhand has been changed? Is he aware
how Mayawati paid Income tax of about Rs 59 crores? The less said about the
Akali dal’s, the DMK’s and ADMK’s and the Shiv Sena’s, SP or the RJD’s the
better. And regarding Advani’s grand announcement of yet another (W)Rath
Yatra to expose corruption while speaking on the cash for votes issue,
please read in the latest Tehelka issue the story of what happened behind
the scenes.****

** **


Both from the CNN-IBN sting footage and the account of former CNN-IBN
reporter Siddharth Gautam, the only neutral and credible voice in the sting
operation, it is clear that at least in this case the BJP MPs were not first
approached with a bribe by the UPA or even the SP, but the exact opposite:
it was the BJP that was out looking frantically for someone to bribe them so
that they could catch it on their hidden camera and embarrass the UPA the
next day. (Siddharth Gautam has audio clips to back this claim.)********

** **


This is a story that stands to turn contemporary discourse on its head. It
is a dark story of how three mainstream political parties—and sections of
the media—have fooled the nation. It is a story of how the Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) willfully set out to entrap its opponents in the cash-for-votes
scandal. This is a story of how the Samajwadi Party voluntarily fell into
the trap. This is a story of how the Congress covered it all up. It is also,
unfortunately, a story of how sections of the media muddied the truth.****

Tehelka set out to nail the UPA government on these counts. But in the
course of its investigation, it stumbled upon a shocking truth that has
turned the whole story on its head. It is a truth that has not been told
before. The government is still guilty of a venal cover-up. But the nature
of the crime has shifted drastically. *It appears the accuser—the BJP—is
itself guilty of immense wrongdoing*. In fact, the story of the 2008
cash-for-votes scandal is the story of a trap, a trip, and a cover-up. And
none of the political parties involved come out looking good, or justified
in assuming high moral ground.********

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Moral of the story: He who has not sinned is free to cast the first stone***

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** Regards,


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