Santosh Helekar wrote:
A report on India by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), a bipartisan
and independent research wing of the US Congress, finds Narendra Modi a
strong prime ministerial candidate for the opposition BJP in 2014,....
........Times of India

Nowhere does the Congressional Research Service (CRS) report state that the
2014 elections will be a "direct" contest between Modi and Gandhi. Nowhere
does the report state that Modi will be a "strong" prime ministerial
candidate. In fact, it implies just the opposite - that Modi has
"significant obstacles" to becoming a prime ministerial candidate.


Santosh, you have really shown your true colours. You are a one of those
wolves in sheeps' clothing. Your secularism is skin deep indeed. You have a
hindu name and therefore you are a hindu extremist.

Have you not learnt anything?

I agree with Soter.

He wrote:
"Does the BJP think that this nation is so dumb so as to not notice the
agenda of USA in installing the Hindu Taliban to  create social unrest in
India in order to give them an excuse to poke their nose in the pie as they
have done in Afghanistan and Pakistan?  This explains the U.S Congress
report on Modi shinning."

At first, he exposed Anna Hazare, Now he has exposed BJP. If only all the
people who supported anna had been reading Soter's writings on Goanet!

Anil Desai

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