Goemchea  Rakhondarancho  Awaz
[G R A]
Reg. No. 549/GOA/2011
Office: St. Anthony's Apartments - 1st Floor - Feira Alta - Mapusa Bardez Goa- 403507

Date: 29 November, 2011


Mr. Ganesh Koyu,
Chief Electoral Officer,
Election Commission,


Sub: Objections w.r.t. the 'QUESTIONALBLE' inclusion of Voters in Goa's 2010 & 2012 Electoral Rolls.

Attached please find the serialized 'questionable' voters in Part numbers of the respective electoral rolls as indicated below. It is to be noted, however, that serial numbers w.r.t. (1) have been culled from the Electoral Rolls of 2010 and hence it is expected that the Election Commission will locate the respective names in the Electoral Rolls of 2012 where the serial numbers have changed.

2010 Electoral Rolls (in full or part thereof) w.r.t.:

(a)    05-Mapusa    : Part Nos. x 30 with 3058  questionable voters.
(b) 10-Aldona : Part Nos. x 08 with 76 questionable voters including
                              foreign  nationals.
(c)    13-Santacruz  : Part Nos.  x 33 with 2639 questionable voters.
(d)    15-Cumbarjua: Part Nos.  x 17 with     542      "                "
(e)    27-Cortalim    : Part Nos.  x 16 with   3299     "                  "

2012 Electoral Rolls ( in full or part thereof) w.r.t.:

(a)  12-Taleigao   :  Part Nos  x  1 with 76      questionable voters.
(b)  21-Ponda       :  Part Nos  x 21 with 5638           "             "
(c)  31-Margao     :  Part Nos  x   2  with 917            "             "

Our Organization has carried-out the above exercise which is by no means exhaustive but which, nevertheless, will show that there has been gross misuse of powers by the Officials in charge of registration of names for election purposes without first verifying that the criteria set-down for registering of new names, especially of those persons coming from other States is met by the persons seeking registration in this State. The criteria is the following:-


Goemchea Rakhondarancho Awaz ... Pg. 2:-

""[Abstract from the Representation of People's Act, 1950/51

2[23. Inclusion of names in electoral rolls.-

(1) Any person whose name is not included in the electoral roll of a constituency may apply to the electoral registration officer for the inclusion of his name in that roll.

(2) The electoral registration officer shall, if satisfied that the applicant is entitled to be registered in the electoral roll, direct his name to be included therein: Provided that if the applicant is registered in the electoral roll of any other constituency, the electoral registration officer shall inform the electoral registration officer of that other constituency and that officer shall, on receipt of the information, strike off the applicant\'s name from that roll.]""

This Organization wants to have the proof that the persons at serial numbers herein attached are genuinely entitled to have their names included in Goa's Electoral Rolls and whether the registering officers have proceeded as per the above constitutional requirement of having the NEW VOTERS struck off the Electoral Rolls of the voter's State of origin, and that this exercise has been carried out. We are also concerned that many voters in the Electoral Rolls of 21-PONDA Constituency 'Part No. 17' (attached) wherein quite a few house numbers are denoted as 'HUT/s' with no corresponding house number/s. This is totally illegal.

This Organization wishes to put you on notice that should you not be able to furnish the required proof that the listed voters at serial numbers attached herewith have been registered only after following procedures as mandated by the Representation of People Act, 1950/51 and as quoted above, then this Organization shall be constrained to 'DEMAND A STAY' of the forth-coming Goa's General Assembly Elections through an appropriate Writ Petition.

Goa has been getting the governments that it does not deserve through mindless spurious voters being included in the State's Electoral Rolls. This must stop forthwith starting from Elections 2012.

Hence kindly note.

Yours faithfully,
(Adv. Antonio Lobo)

A report:

The GRA delegation of 25 strong presented the above memorandum to the CEO's Office, Altinho Panjim. In the absence of the CEO Mr. Ganesh Koyu who has been transferred just yesterday, and also in the absence of the new CEO who has apparently not taken charge yet, the delegation was supposed to present the memorandum to the Joint CEO Mr. Narayan S. Navti. However, since he too was not present, the memorandum was handed to Mr. A.V. Bugde, Assistant Joint CEO in the presence of the Press and Electronic Media.

Advocate Antonio Lobo, whilst handing-over the memorandum to Mr. Bugde, informed impressed upon him the need to sensitize the CEO as well as the Election Commission staff to make sure that the questionable voter's list prepared and handed over by GRA must be checked and those inclusions that do not hold good as valid voters must be deleted from the 2012 Electoral Rolls which Rolls will be the basis of Goa going into the Election mode in February, 2012. If the required exercise is not done, that GRA will file an appropriate PIL Writ Petition in the Courts to demand Stay in Goa's Election Process until such exercise is carried out and every illegally included name of voters deleted in order to sanitize Goa's electoral rolls for once.

The basis of the exercise that is required to be carried out by the Electoral Officers:
1.      What is the State of Origin of this Voter?
2. Is the voter' name deleted in that State before/after including in Goa's Electoral Rolls?
3.      YES or NO
4.      If Yes, show proof.
5.      If No, delete this name.

The delegation dispersed after interacting with the Press and the Electronic Media.



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  • ... floriano
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
    • ... John Gomes
    • ... Jerry Pinto
    • ... Rajiv Desai
    • ... barretorene
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... thalygoa .
      • ... roland . francis

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