AIRES RODRIGUES-Rescuing Goa's Health Care

Aires has made quite a number of excellent points in his article. They
are, as follows:

1: Goa’s Public Health care system is in dire straits.
2: Repeated political interference by successive state governments has
been detrimental to Goa’s public health care.
3: GMC should aim at providing all the super specialty facilities so
that patients should no longer have to travel to Belgaum, Bangalore
and Mumbai for medical care that could be provided at Bambolim.
4: Goa Medical College is not a veterinary hospital.
5: Hospitals and health centres can never compromise on cleanliness
and sanitation. Every head of the department should be made
responsible and accountable for the overall state of his unit.
6: Serving in the medical field was supposed to be a mission with a
passion. Unfortunately like most other professions the medical arena
has too become a business venture with one goal. Vitamin 'M' all the

However, he (Aires) has made the classic mistake common to many an
'outside-the-expertise' expert i.e. focus on the penthouse instead of
the foundation.

BTW: There is a distinct difference between Public Health Care
(preventive) and Health Care provided to the public at tertiary
centres; interconnected as they may be. I submit that 'autonomy' in
the field of Preventive Care is an oxymoron. Preventive care, by
necessity, needs Governmental intervention and support (different from
political interference). As it is one of the dynamic areas of health,
it also needs staffing by appropriately qualified, trained and
experienced staff, with the Directors being ALSO well-read, and
well-published physicians who update themselves rigorously and
regularly at the national and international levels.

I do not know why the Vitamin 'M' comment is being reserved only for doctors.

When the whole society (including and especially lawyers) is driven
primarily by Vitamin 'M', why pick only on the doctors. Are they the
only ones who are supposed to be on a 'mission with a passion'? Mark
you, I'd suggest that it would be infinitely better for society as a
whole IF every profession was on a 'mission with a heart' instead of a
'mission with a passion'. Passion, with all its benefits, is also the
conduit for destructive activities such as Vengence and Crime.

Aires adds: 'one has to cough up at times up to 50 lakhs if not more
for a medical seat by way of capitation fee'.

I believe that GMC does not offer seats by way of 'capitation fees'.
Even so, if I was a resident of Goa, I would be more worried IF a sick
patient was expected to pay a 'capitation fee' to certain 'office
staff who may or may not be doctors', just to get admitted into



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