Floriano-bab, I am bit confused.

I quote verbatim some of the things  General Ramalho Eanes said in that

Question: In 1958 you went to Goa
Ramalho Eanes (RE) In Goa I learnt a lot of good and bad things.......Goa
met all the conditions
because we have made something there which we had not managed to make
anywhere else.
A new culture had been created which was not ours but it wasn't Indian

Q:  In 1962 you went to Macau. Macau also had conditions met  to be
RE: Never. In Macau there were Chinese and Portuguese.In Goa...an elite
which was neither
Portuguese nor Indian...it was Goan.

Q:  B*ut in Macau there was no mix of races*
RE: That is true. One of my greatest disappointments was, when I arrived in
Macau, I realized
that Goa was not our model , after all.


                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


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