There is no need to be confused Antonio.

What RE has said is very right.
Goa had Gauokary(s) system. Portuguese did not destroy them but respected them and even codified them. British, like Indian would want to destroy them. Indian are doing it. Hopefully Goans will prevent this. The Hotch Potch Panchayati raj which has been introduced in Goa is totally inferior to Comunidade system of Goa.

Goans are Goans, not Portuguese, not Indians.
And I take pride from this.
I also say that the Indian citizenship has been forced down my throat. I have not opted for it.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Antonio Menezes" <>
To: "goanet" <>
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 9:21 AM
Subject: [Goanet] So much for independent Goa

Floriano-bab, I am bit confused.

I quote verbatim some of the things  General Ramalho Eanes said in that

Question: In 1958 you went to Goa
Ramalho Eanes (RE) In Goa I learnt a lot of good and bad things.......Goa
met all the conditions
because we have made something there which we had not managed to make
anywhere else.
A new culture had been created which was not ours but it wasn't Indian

Q:  In 1962 you went to Macau. Macau also had conditions met  to be
RE: Never. In Macau there were Chinese and Portuguese.In elite
which was neither
Portuguese nor was Goan.


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