Dear Eugene,

Re: I see the points Eddie has made.
Response: I do not think you do as you are leaping to conclusions without
the facts .
Re: The Congress hasn't put its manifesto out but rather testing the waters
Response: This is not just an election idea but was first put out, I think,
in Nov. 2010

Re: The NRI commissioner is on the Congress drafting committee
Response: The NRI Commissioner is the Chairman of the drafting committee

Re: The non-occupancy tax could be on second homes and, obviously, those who
are renting their second homes need to pay taxes. 
Response:  The non-occupancy tax proposed is NOT a house tax or tax on
rental income or capital gains tax.  Why are you so blatantly struggling and
making pathetic  attempts to justify it?

Re: It is important to find out why exactly this idea has been mooted.
Response: It is because the "outsiders" are being blamed for the high price
of property:  the old price-of-fish syndrome.

Re: Is the non-occupancy tax on those who rent out their properties or is it
also applied to second homes that may lie vacant?
Response: Both

Re: If included in the manifesto, other parties should express their
Response: Easier said than done. The proposal is a vote getter as it panders
to the baser instincts. 

RE: Also funny that Kamat wants to make it applicable by force or Ordinance
and not by legislative means. 
Response: Do you mean funny haha?

RE: Lawyers on the forum can explain in better terms want the law would mean
once it is implemented.
Response: Put on your thinking cap

RE: Don't someone on this forum has a hotline to the NRI office?
Response: Why don't you contact the NRI office? I did so, months ago.

I suggest that you check  some of the links at  The
most comprehensive source is probably the three articles all  on  page 19 of
the Herald of 26 Dec 2011 at  

Eddie Fernandes 


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