To Goanet -

Over time I have noticed that many of the posts are held up and
not posted on Goanet on time  This is invariably the case when 
Bosco is away or otherwise occupied with something else.

The local Admin - we know who - just cannot stomach that I
won't go away.  Not that he did not try.  He imagined that he could
embarrass me into leaving (like he has done with other Hindus in
the past, those especially who do not align with his pea-brained 
Leftist drivel).  But boy, was he in for a surprise or two.  Or three.

Fellows such as these are the intolerant guys, frauds who masquerade 
as free speech champions, but who would clamp down on divergent 
opinions if they could.  Fortunately, he can't.

I will continue to post on Goanet (I read it sporadically, however) at
my own pleasure.  You get the finest photographs ever taken on Goa,
on every aspect on Goa, from a Goan who knows things first hand.
And you get the finest opinions on matters Goan, put forth without
fear, and in the finest prose around (even the gaalis are world-class).



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