Rajan P. Parrikar <parri...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Note that I did not - deliberately - call him "communal."  That word
flies fast and loose on this group, and is used far too

FN has cleverly used the fact that I and some others (who have a sharp
divergence with him on political and social issues) are Hindu to
insinuate our motives and poison discussion, knowing full well the
pre-disposition of the overwhelming majority of the audience here on
Goanet to labels like "RSS," "Hindutva" and so on.



When FN 'did a number' on you on Goanet wrt your intentions, he got
plastered ....did he not?  And you continue to post freely on Goanet,
do you not? I believe that more "Hindu" Goans should post their
feelings and thoughts on Goanet (with copies to the uncensored GX) .

Sure ...like everyone else .... posters with "views" are likely to be
challenged. And ....so be it. Thin-skin and undue hypersensitivity is
not an option in the age of the Internet.

I believe that FN is (at times) just unfair when dealing with posts
from individuals he has a 'problem' with - irrespective of their being
Hindu, Catholic or whatever. Of late, Santoshbab faced such a problem.
My inbox is full of posts (unfairly IMHO) rejected by 'Admin'.

FN can be rightfully criticised for repeatedly and blatantly posting
in violation of Goanet rules; rule which he uses to block the posts of

For reference:

1: JC and MG are definitely NOT of the Hindu faith.

2: JC is definitely NOT an admirer (to put it mildly) of the RSS,
Hindutva ....or the abusive members of the Catholic clergy or Hindu
priests or Muslim mullahs.

3: I firmy believe that religion is a private matter AND that
religious movements and individuals have NO place in politics. The
religion based fault lines have divided our people and allowed these
'bhaille' to get it and destroy Goa ..... more easily than it would
have been possible IF we were together.


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