I am surprised that Marshall did not accuse me of being a hinduvta apologist - 
after all, my opinions were in line with those of Santosh's. I think we can all 
agree that the CSF is a communal organization that seeks to promote what it 
sees as a christian point of view by projecting its views as being superior to 
those of "competitor" religions. Many on the receiving end would consider this 
to be abusive and denigrating. I say, it is free speech - a right that needs to 
be protected. Ironically, the CSF itself wishes to trample on the rights of 
others who disagree with its principles as was the case with movies like the Da 
Vinci Code, or the rights of gays and homosexuals. I would agree with Marshall 
that the CSF cannot be compared to the Sangh Pavivar due the latter's role in 
violence against minorities. However, a quick peek at the CSF's website gives a 
very clear insight to its fundamentalist and intolerant tone. Perhaps the lack 
of violence from the
 CSF is more due to its lack of ability than intent. Is the CSF secular? Hell 
no. It should rename itself to the CCF, the Christian Communal Forum.


 From: Marshall Mendonza <mmendonz...@gmail.com>
To: goanet <goanet@lists.goanet.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 8:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope for India's temple 
prostitutes | The CSF
As a sangh parivar (hindutva) apologist/sympathiser, Santosh's
response was on expected lines. One can let one's imagination run riot
and come to as many conclusions as one desires.Helping women in
distress come out of prostitution can in no way be said to constitute
anti-hindu sentiments as Santosh would like to mislead us and give a
communal flavour.

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