By Miguel Braganza

Originally posted on Aldona-Net

         I have been reading the English-language and the
         Marathi newspapers to find out what exactly
         happened regarding one mystery person -- Samarth
         Shirodkar, aged 17 years -- on the ill-fated bus
         that went into the river at Lankdem jetty, Carona
         ward of Aldona, from where the ferry takes one to
         the island of Calvim.

As far as I know my geography, it is the Mapusa River which
is a tributary of the Mandovi. At this time of the year, it
just does not matter because of the salt water inflows after
the end of the rains.

* Why was Samarth in the bus till the Carona jetty if he was
not going to Calvim?  [a] Joy ride with his neighbour the
driver Rajesh Chandrakant Naik, aged 26 years, or [b]
Assisting the conductor, Vishnu Harmalkar, to drive the bus
or double up as conductor while the conductor drove the bus.

* Where was Samarth seated or standing in the near-empty bus
at the time of the accident?

* How did the bus go into the river? [a] Head on as reported
by most newspapers including TOI or [b] Reversed into the
river (as reported by some Marathi newspapers including Tarun

* How did he come out of the bus when it hit the water in the
river?  [a] According to the Mapusa Police (reported by
Preetu Venugopalan Nair in the TOI on 22 Feb), Samarth was
thrown out of the bus from the passenger door on impact with
the water [b] Samarth is reported to have told Murari Shetye
also of TOI [23 Feb] that he came out of the window behind
the driver's seat, which is the opposite side of the
passenger door.  (The RTO which inspected the bus after the
accident has confirmed that the driver's door was latched
from the inside.  In any case, it would not be possible to
open the door once the bus was submerged.  Ditto for the
passenger door, if it was shut as mandated by law when the
bus is in motion.) [c] according to Tarun Bharat [Marathi] on
23 Feb, Samarth came out (not 'thrown out') of the passenger door.

* Who swam out of the bus with Samarth Shirodkar?  [a] The
driver, Rajesh Chandrakant Naik, aged 26 years, or [b] The
conductor, Vishnu Harmalkar

* Whose house did Samarth go to after the accident and till
his father picked him up, obviously with a change of clothes?
[a] The conductor, Vishnu Harmalkar's house, as reported by
Murari Shetye in TOI, or [b] A friend's house as reported by
Tarun Bharat

* Is Samarth Shirodkar a current student of St. Thomas HSS or
a past student?  If current student, which stream of
Vocational education and Std XI or Std.  XII?

* Why did the Mapusa Police and its Aldona Outpost officials
not reveal this information on Sunday or Monday, if not on
Saturday itself?

* Is Samarth Shirodkar's father really a former BJP President
of Aldona Block as reported by Murari Shetye in TOI?

* Is any politician involved in forcing the Mapusa Police to
suppress/manipulate the information?

* Who is the Investigating Officer of the Section 304
Culpable Homicide case reported to have been registered at
the Mapusa Police Station?

* What is the report filed by the I.O. with the District
Collector of North Goa who is conducting the "Magisterial
Inquiry" ordered by the State Government into the accident?

         Angry though we may be with the possibility that
         the Juvenile, Samarth Shirodkar, may have caused
         the death of four little children and two adults,
         the blame must rest squarely on the shoulders of
         the adults who let it happen.  The driver of the
         bus has a responsibility to drive the bus, as
         licensed by the RTO and other authorities, and be
         responsible for the safety of the passengers.  The
         owner of the bus has the responsibility to ensure
         that only authorized persons drive the bus.  The
         conductor also has the responsibility to ensure
         that only an authorized driver drives the bus even
         if there is only one passenger.  So the full
         responsibility lies with: [a] The driver, Rajesh
         Chandrakant Naik, and [b] The conductor, Vishnu
         Harmalkar, with collateral responsibility with the
         owner of the bus.

If Samarth Shirodkar was permitted to drive the bus, the
driver has to take the rap anyway as the direct cause of the
accident, by commission or by omission.

If Samarth Shirodkar has complicity in the accident, he must
be dealt with by the Juvenile Justice System or the
Children's Court of Law.

Justice is another matter altogether in a country where the
persons responsible for the Bhopal Gas tragedy that killed
hundreds and maimed lakhs of persons, get a two year rap for
"criminal negligence" after 25 years of "legal process" and a
petty thief is sometimes jailed as an under-trial for ten
years and then pronounced innocent.  I have the highest
respect for the judiciary, it is the set of laws and the
legal system that does not work.  We have seen people build
illegal structures with police protection using the loopholes
in the law and very intelligent and highly qualified lawyers,
in one case where all the authorities and even the builder
has no documents to prove the legality of the structures
under construction, constructed or even occupied by business.

Goanet Reader is compiled and edited by Frederick Noronha.
Send submissions to f...@goa-india.org

And a report from the Times of India:

Was 17-yr-old driving Calvim bus?
TNN Feb 24, 2012, 04.34AM IST

PANAJI: Was a 17-year-old boy behind the wheel of the
ill-fated bus that plunged into the Calvim river on February
18 killing six persons?

         More glaring contradictions have come to the fore
         after police admitted that another person, Samarth
         Shirodkar, was present in the bus at the time of
         the accident.  Shirodkar, a student at St Thomas
         higher secondary school, Aldona, has denied he was
         driving the bus.

He also said on TOI's Thursday edition that he had boarded
the bus for a fun ride as there were no classes last
Saturday.  The school authorities, when contacted, refuted
his statement and said classes were held as usual.

"The school was open on Saturday. The boy is a student of
Class XI vocational stream, which had classes.  The boy had
bunked class and was absent for the day.  His attendance
after the first term (after Diwali vacation) is also very
poor," school authorities said.

Another point to note is the statement made by the witness on
the scene.  "I saw the driver and conductor pop out of the
bus after it went into the river," the witness said.

This contradicts the statement by police at the media
briefing on the day of the incident.  "According to witnesses
and the bus driver, there were seven persons in the bus.
Four students, two women and one man," police had said.
Besides the four deceased students, the man was the deceased
Dayanand Hoble and the woman, the deceased Josefina Dias.
The other woman, who the driver thought was present, was
Rachel Mendonca, who said she was not on the ill-fated bus.

The driver Rajesh Naik allegedly did not tell the police
about the presence of the boy in the bus.  Questions arise as
to why he hid the presence of the boy.

Aldona residents told TOI that a practice among bus drivers
on the Mapusa-Aldona-Calvim route and the
Mapusa-Aldona-Quitula route is to alight from the buses at
the Aldona 'tinto' (market bus stop) and hand over charge to
their cleaners to continue the short trip to the
Carona-Calvim ferry and back.  The bus drivers also do the
same for the short trip to Quitula and back, locals said.

"This is usually in the afternoon, when the drivers alight at
the 'tinto' for food and a little drink.  They hand the bus
over to the cleaners or young boys learning to drive, to
complete the trip.  The lives of passengers are put in the
hands of cleaners unqualified for bus driving," said a resident.

If the police claim witnesses say Naik was driving the bus
till the second-last stop, was Shirodkar given the wheel to
take the bus to the ferry ramp and reverse?

Transport director Arun Naik told TOI that the brakes and
gear system of the bus are in "perfect working condition" and
has ruled out any mechanical error as the cause of the

         People in Aldona say that bus drivers are known to
         cut off the engine on the over 100-metre long slope
         towards the Calvim ferry to cut down on fuel costs.
         "Drivers actually take the bus right onto the ferry
         ramp with the engine off before putting the vehicle
         in second gear to re-start the engine.  This
         technique must have failed on that day," a local

The transport department also says that the bus' fitness
certificate was issued in July, 2011, the pollution under
control certificate was valid till July 2012 and the bus
insurance was valid till February 27, 2012. tnn


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