Nothing about eliminating corruption which is Goa's biggest problem? All the 
rest of the manifesto is blah, blah blah, and will fall in place after 
corruption is rooted out.

Or perhaps it is so systemic that it has to be taken for granted like a stage 4 

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Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

-----Original Message-----
From: radharao gracias <>
Sender: goanet-bounces@lists.goanet.orgDate: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 07:29:44 
To: Goanet Goanet<>
Reply-To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <>
Subject: [Goanet] UGDP Manifesto


2nd Floor, Casa dos Aliados,

Abade Faria Road, Margao, Goa.

            Date: 23rd Feb., 2012


The United Goans Democratic Party is the only regional party in Goa that
has consistently stood up for the State and its people. The UGDP has taken
up causes to protect and preserve the identity of the State and its unique
cultural unity.

Goa over the last three decades has seen a considerable erosion of moral
values and degradation of public standards as a result of electing to power
national parties with their lopsided policies and anti people agenda.

The UGDP has formulated a programme for the State as follows:

1.  *Special status*: The UGDP shall strive to secure for Goa a special
status as provided to the States of north-east India so as to protect and
preserve the socio cultural identity of the State

2. *Liberate Goa from the Portuguese era mining concessions*: The
liberation of Goa is not complete since Goa is being exploited by misusing
mining concessions granted by the erstwhile Portuguese regime, when there
was no awareness of environmental laws. The mining concessions are not
scientific and were haphazardly given without detailed geological and
ecological studies. Ironically, the very elements who pretend to be
nationalists and patriots and claim credit for Goa’s liberation, are the
ones who are destroying Goa by misusing the said mining concessions. The
UGDP shall scrap all the mining concessions and permit mining only under
environmentally controlled conditions.

3. *Nationalisation of mineral exports*: The UGDP while permitting mining
by private companies shall introduce legislation to nationalize the export
of minerals which shall only be channelised through a corporation. This is
essential to eliminate the under invoicing, illegal exports and other
malpractices causing huge loss to the exchequer.

4.  *Right to services Act*: The UGDP shall introduce “The Right to
Services Act”, under which every Government officials shall be bound to
provide all services to the citizen under specific time frame. In case of
failure to do so, the officials shall be personally liable to salary
deductions, to demotions and to termination of service for repeat
offenders. Under this law any application filed by a citizen shall be
decided positively or negatively within prescribed time period. In case of
no such decision citizen shall have the right of appeal which shall also be
determined within a prescribed time frame.

5.  *Performance based promotions*:

a) All promotions in police service shall be determined by performance. The
promotions of officers investigating offences shall be determined by
convictions obtained in the course of trials in Court of law. An officer
who is unable to secure convictions in at least two thirds of the matters
investigated shall not be eligible for promotions.

b) All non judicial Courts shall be required to determine all matters
within particular time frame. The promotions of officers shall be directly
related to the number of cases disposed off and also on whether the
decisions of the officers are upheld or reversed by the highest appellate

6.  *High Court for the State *: The UGDP shall work to complete Goa’s
Statehood by setting up a full fledged High Court for the State to fulfill
the mandate of article 214 of constitute of India “ There shall be High
Court for each state.” The UGDP shall leave no stone unturned to see that
the mandate of the constitution is fulfilled in letter and in spirit.

7. *Subordinate Staff Selection Commission* : All Class three and four
employees shall be recruited through a subordinate staff selection
commission which shall be an independent body and function like the SSCE
Board. The Commission shall conduct biannual examinations where all persons
qualified to do so shall be eligible to answer. A merit list shall be
prepared and made public. All Government departments shall draw staff
requirements from the list on the basis of merit. There will be no oral
tests. The answer papers shall be available to the general public. All
physical tests required shall be done under video recording and copies also
shall be available to the general public.

8. *Medium of instruction* : The Government has taken a decision on the
medium of instruction which is now subject matter of a writ petition before
the High Court. As a responsible political party the UGDP shall abide by
the law as laid down by the Court and in case there is any need for
modification the parents shall be respected.

9. *Waste management*: The UGDP shall set up within every industrial estate
a waste processing zone by acquiring new land if required or utilizing
available land. The zone shall have all the facilities for treating waste
from the factories within the industrial estate. That neighbouring villages
shall be entitled to bring their waste to the facility for proper
treatment. No village or town shall be excluded from such facility.

10. *Regional Plan* : The regional plan shall be denotified and every
village panchayat shall be required to prepare a plan for the village and
after approval by the Gram Sabha send the same to the Town & Country
Planning Department where it shall be overviewed. In case any
irregularities or illegalities are found the same shall be referred back
with appropriate directions. The panchayat shall be provided with
assistance of town planners/architects to formulate the plan. The FAR in
every village shall be fifty percent only and only single dwelling units
shall be permitted, with height restrictions. Commercial areas shall be
designated in every village where the FAR shall be hundred percent and
where multi storeyed buildings shall be permitted. The commercial area
shall not exceed five percent of the total settlement area in the village.

11. *Ban on sale of land* : The sale of residential and agricultural land,
including built up areas, shall be restricted only to those who have
fifteen years continuous residence in the State. However, people of Goan
origin working abroad including OCIs shall be exempted from the restriction
on residence.

12. *Ban on plastic* :  The sale and use of plastic carry bags and other
environmentally hazardous material shall be prohibited by law through out
the State.

13. *Insurance cover* : The UGDP shall secure to all unskilled labourers
including toddy tappers, coconut/arecanut/fruit pluckers, fishermen,
farmers and others involved in the unorganized sector,  free insurance
cover and pension on retirement.

14. *Seamen* : The UGDP shall secure for all retired seamen pension and
other benefits from organization of seaman which is under the name of
NATIONAL SEAFARERES OF INDIA. The UGDP shall also strive to give to all
retired seafarers State pension and other benefits in line with state
policy of providing financial help to senior citizens. The exploitation of
seamen by NUSI shall be eliminated and the NUSI shall be required to
provide medical facilities to seamen and their dependents at minimal price
in the hospital set up for the purpose by NUSI at Cuncolim.

15. *Coastal people *: The interest of Goans living along the coast or
running small tourism related businesses shall be protected and
representations made to the center to insert provisions in the CRZ
Regulations to protect the interests of local people.

16. *Mining affected people*: The UGDP shall introduce legislation to
protect people affected by mining and to provide such people sufficient
compensation by imposing a cess on mining.

17. *Health Care* :  Health care shall be provided to all senior citizens
free of cost. The health center shall be upgraded and provided with
emergency equipment and ambulances fitted with emergency equipment. The
UGDP shall strive to setup health centres in every village so that health
care is avail to every citizen without expenses

18. *Industries* : After a thorough study a plan shall be drawn permitting
only specific type of non polluting and eco friendly industries in the
State. All such companies desiring to set up factories in Goa shall be
required to recruit staff from Goa and train them as the work on the
factory commences. No company which cannot train Goans for their jobs shall
be allowed to set up factories in Goa.

19. *Education:*  Education shall be a priority and all those wishing to
set up quality educational centers in the State shall be provided special
facilities, subject to reservation of atleast 30% of seats for Goans in the

Bits Pillani shall be compelled to reserve thirty percent of seats for
Goans. The UGDP shall not permit any educational institute to be closed.
Institution threatening to close shall be taken over by the State as
permitted under the prevailing law.

20.  *Land** Acquisition*:  Land acquisition procedure shall be streamlined
so that appropriate compensation is paid to the land owners. The landowners
shall have the right to either seek compensation in terms of money or for
rehabilitation in case any premises are built for commercial/residential
purposes on the acquired land.

21.  *Local Self Govt. Bodies* :The Municipalities and Village/ Zilla
Panchayats shall be empowered in terms of the 73rd  & 74th Amendment to the
Constitution. The UGDP shall also support the demand of the people of
reserved the 33% seats for women in State Legislatures and in the Lok Sabha
and Rajya Sabha.

22. *Lokayukta* :The UGDP shall introduce legislation for setting up
Lokayukta in the state and support the demand for the setting up of Lokpal
through legislation in the centre. The Lokayukta shall have independent
investigation machinery and shall not be subject to control of the

23. *Airport* : In case of need for a new airport the same shall be
centrally located to benefit the entire State of Goa. The airport at Mopa
shall be dropped and the acquired land returned back to the owners.
Likewise the sports complex setup in remote village of Pernem taluka shall
be scrap and land will return to farmers and compensation shall paid to the
farmers for lose of income cause due to the land acquisition.

24. *Sports** City* : The UGDP shall denotify the proposed sports city in
Pernem and return the acquired land to the owners. The UGDP shall locate a
place centrally situated and with easy accessibility to all Goans, to set
up a sports city. The present location of the Airport and the sports city
are more for the benefit of Maharashtra than Goa.

The manifesto is not an exhaustive list but the basic outline of the
Party’s programme for the State. The UGDP is always open to incorporate
suggestions from all quarters which will further the interests of the
people of the State.

The UGDP wishes the people of the State a good government in the next five
years and hopes that the people of the State will provide the party a role
to play in meeting our common goals.


Secretary General - UGDP

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