Note to Eugene:
This is the right way to do it. Ask people for quotes or ask people permission
to quote. Not take quotes from what they have said on public forums and write
them in your article.


My reply

Well Selma, sorry I should have asked you for your expert opinion on
Goa's elections. It's good that Mayabhusan ask for your quote. I
hadn't read Mayabhusan's piece till you sent the link. Anyway, what
new have you said in your quote that Goans have not heard before? You
could dispute what I wrote, but I don't need you to tell me what is
"the right way."
You write in your own way, got it. And good to know that you are a
Congress supporter.
 Over the course of this run-up to the election, I have read many
opinion pieces and there are lot of instances where the writers have
taken from newspapers and provided their own opinions Did you notice
any "direct quotes" from public forums?
 It is an opinion piece. I have written a few of them for Goa's
newspapers. Obviously, some of the things I mentioned have appeared in


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