Rail budget
For the first time in the history of Railway budget. Mamta is on war
path along with her TMC that they will not accept the budget. The
raise is 2np per Km across the board. TMC and Dinesh Trivedi were in
consultations The whole drama is orchestrated, choreographed, so that
there will be partial roll back, projecting Mamta as the messiah and
saviour of the poor
Why DT  does not resign or he is sacked. Dinesh openly claims that
nation , people and party come in that order. Why does Dinesh openly
take on Mamta and risk his political fortunes. He seems in no way
sorry for the uproar and asserts that Mamta knew about the possible
hike The Railway budget is the central budget and not a party affair.
Is it that UPA II is getting a message from the unpredictable ,
mercurial Mamta. Is it not the responsibility of UPA II to sound about
the uncomfortable issues that might upset the components in UPA II
Earlier Dinesh  floated a bloomer that mid term polls are expected and
then goes on to say about his  democratic right Is it that Dinesh is a
misfit in the TMC  and feeling suffocated
The Congress has reported it that it is  good budget The hike in fares
is taking  the Nation by storm as it is unprecedental Dinesh is taking
the decision with the UPA II or is it his personal fiefdom with no
bearing on the cabinet. Is it right to declare the cabinet decision to
anyone, even the Party It is also a prestigious issue to the UPA II.
Will it have the required numbers without the TMC to pass the Railway
budget? The P.M has complimented the budget
The TMC is asking  for resignation of Dinesh Trivedi and appoint a new
person to represent the TMC as the railway Minister. The removal of
Dinesh will be fatal to the theory of pre planned drama to give
advantage to TMC
 The railway fare is not the most important factor to shore up
finances, modernisations, replacements, expansion and reforms and
economic growth The freight rate is being flogged as the dead horse s
the result the freight is moving out of Railways to road transport
It is an embarrassing situation  that the central budget is objected
to by the party of Dinesh Trivedi The Govt has to take a serious view
of the stability of the Govt and resolve the issue, before it turns
out to be a wrong move The Govt will survive as no other party of now
has joined the fray and watching from the fence The action on the part
of P.M. or silence is to be watched
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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