To Goanet -

Trawling through Goan cyberspace (outside of Goanet) as well as Goan media, 
it is amusing to note the spike in the number of Goans who have suddenly 
turned into experts in governance and matters of policy.  Every other guy 
opens with "Manohar Parrikar should... <insert a brain burp here>."

Where were these hidden talents all these years when the Kangress 
was taking Goa to the cleaners?  It is as if they have woken up from a 
deep Kumbakarnian slumber.  Some of these folks are earnest and Manohar
Parrikar's return has given them cause for optimism.  I have no issue with
that, per se.  What is perplexing is their disconnect with reality.
The problems of Goa are so deep that there is no magic bullet available 
for recovery.  It is going to be a long, hard slog - and that is only if every
thing falls in place, which you can be sure it won't.

So fellas, return to reality.  I would give Manohar-bab some time and watch
the trend line.  The hope is that he'll set priorities and take up the really
important issues first.  We'll see.


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