Thank you Mr Marshall for all your convinciing and impeccable arguments to 
refute this dubious attempt at equating CSF and HGF. Even a cursory look at the 
contents of both will suffice to say that a world of difference exists between 
them. To discredit the CSF by putting it on the same level as the HGF is both 
intellectual dishonesty and a cunning travesty to say the least. It seems it is 
Mr Helekar who is more paranoid because Marshall had merely asked Dan for some 
evidence to corroborate his earlier surmise.  Wonder how Mr Helekar could be 
'almost certain that 'most people' would find his comparison to be more 
appropriate. Is it because 'most people' would simply ignore such pathetic 
obsolete endeavours........And did Marshall compare Helekar to Goebbels -the 
man who collaborated in the murder of 46 million people---or to the 
propagandist Goebbels, limiting to his acts of unleasing falsehoods?......The 
superfluous part of that insinuation is a mischief, if not silly. The CSF may 
not come under the 'secular' ambit but by no means it is any closer to the HGF 
in its activities. J-Mario Fernandes 
   > I am also almost certain that most people would consider my comparison of 
CSF with HJS to be infinitely more appropriate than Marshall's comparison of me 
with the Nazi criminal Goebbels who collaborated in the Holocaust and the 
murder of 46 million men, women and children in Europe. Please see the quote 
> Santosh apparently believes like Goebbels that if he repeats a?falsehood a 
> hundred times, soon people will start believing it as the?truth.
> .......Marshall Mendonza?
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Marshall Mendonza <>
> > To: goanet <>
> > Cc: 
> > Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 12:07 PM
> > Subject: [Goanet] Reason under fire in India
> > 
> > Dan Driscoll:
> > 
> > Thank you, Mr. Santosh, for this; it confirms what I had surmised over past
> > year or so, from reading those interminable CSF rants, some of them
> > appearing unsolicited, sent directly to my in-box.
> > 
> > Response:
> > Dear Dan
> > I found your confirming Santosh's comparison of the CSF with the HJS quite
> > interesting. I am appending herebelow some extracts of newspaper articles
> > and reports on the HJS.Perhaps you have more information about the
> > allegedly violent activities of the CSF, which I am unaware of, that makes
> > you agree with Santosh. I would be obliged to you if you could direct me
> > to articles/ newspaper reports about such allegedly violent activities
> > of the CSF. > 
> **************************************

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