I had no idea who the CSF was until the recent controversry. True, I would 
receive their newsletter but my computer is quite smart and routinely files 
this under junk mail.
Today, I visited their website which is very disturbing indeed. It is a slap in 
the face of all progressive Christians. Its idea of what Christianity is takes 
Christians back a few good decades - like all blue-blooded, self-appointed, 
conservative fringe groups. Among the people it targets are homosexuals, which 
truly causes me more offence than a Cross miracle being debunked, for while I 
care not for water dripping from a Cross, I care deeply for several of my close 
friends who happen to be homosexuals.
Let me at the onset say, that the CSF does not speak for Christianity. It 
speaks for itself. It is now time for well meaning Christians to challenge the 
CSF as the spokesperson for Christianity. I would rather let the Church be a 
spokesperson. I call upon the Church to look into the workings of the CSF. 
Coming to the case of Edamaruku. To me, it is no different from that of MF 
Hussain. Both are issues of freedom of thought and expression. We cannot 
constantly live in fear of hurting sensibilities. The issue of religion has to 
recede into the private domain and not infringe on the public. 
And lastly, where are the progressive Christian voices in all this? We should 
have been the ones to debunk "miracles". Are we really depending on sewage 
water to restore faith? If so, then we are a long way from Salvation itself. 
For the first time in a very long time, I feel ashamed of being Christian.

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