From: Marshall Mendonza <>
To: goanet <>
> Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 11:43 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Support Sanad Edamaruku
>T he below poster has made it a habit of embarassing himself on public
> forums when he sermonises on subjects of which he has zilch knowledge,
> little insight and no awareness. One can only forgive him for he knows not
> what he is talking about.
> Regards,
> Marshall


Sanal Edamruku, a self proclaimed ‘Rationalist’ spent several years
debunking ‘miracles’ and other beliefs, thereby hurting peoples’ faith,
beliefs etc, which is not his business. Just because we can’t see ‘wind or
air’ that it isn’t there!! Belief in miracles, superstition, custom,
tradition is personal.

Now Sanal Edamaruku is accused by Catholic groups in Mumbai of breaking the
Indian Penal Code, which outlaws “deliberate and malicious acts intended to
outrage religious feelings.” Mr. Edamaruku is facing blasphemy charges
after he claimed water dripping from a statue of Christ in Mumbai was not
miraculous but the result of a badly plumbed toilet, and designed to make
money from visiting pilgrims, but church authority says no money has been
collected at the shrine.

Edamaruku says  “ I believe in absolute freedom of expression in any free
society people should have the freedom to ridicule to criticize or to be
ridiculed. That should be guaranteed in any civil society,” he said. But he
is misusing what he believes to hurt the religious sentiments of others.

“This is the first time I have had cases filed against me… I don’t want
unexpected people to come and attack me, so only close friends know where
to find me,” Mr. Edamaruku told India Real Time.

And in this forum, there are some people, first to criticize if Christians
speak up.


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