----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Carvalho <elisabeth_...@yahoo.com>
To: "csfp...@gmail.com" <csfp...@gmail.com>; "cec...@vsnl.net" 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 4:38 PM
Subject: An Open Letter to the CSF

Dear Christian Secular Forum,


I am calling this an open letter because I shall be posting it on various 
forums, some predominantly Goan Catholic, so that we may dialogue. You do not 
owe me a response, although one would be appreciated, which I can also share on 
these forums.

I currently live in London and as such was not familiar with the CSF or its 
activities. It is only the recent controversial case of Sanal Edamaruku which 
drew my attention to your organization. This led me to investigate your website 
and what I found there was most shocking. I shall enumerate below some of the 
instances of offense on your website.

1. Anti-Islamic propaganda
I was appalled to find a certain video on your website which encourages deep 
xenophobia and targets the Muslim community. Such propaganda dehumanizes people 
based on their religion, creates a sense of siege and worst of all demonizes 
them. I append below the link to this deeply offensive video which features on 
your website.

2. Homophobic propaganda
Linking homosexuality to pedophilia is disturbing. No civilized society thinks 
like this. This is the domain of fringe groups who fall outside the realm of 
all this is modern, progressive and forward thinking. You demonizing a section 
of society, and may I add a section of Christian society, in this lewd manner 
is most undignified. I append below this link featured on your website.

3. Anti-abortion propaganda
Like all right-wing groups, hence it doesn't surprise me that you should launch 
an initiative to curtail the rights of women. There might be a multitude of 
reasons why women feel compelled to take these decisions. Your need to make 
them feel like mass murderers is unjustified and offensive. If you insist that 
you are a "secular" forum then you must let your personal religious feelings 
remain in the private sphere and not let it encroach onto the public domain in 
matters such as reproductive rights. I am unable to append the Powerpoint 
presentation on your website.

4. Anti-free speech
I understand that your organisation was at the forefront in 
suppressing individual freedom of thought in India. I quote from your website. 
"The CSF besides other espousing a number of Christian activist causes, was 
also majorly responsible for Da Vinci Code being released late in India, 
getting it banned in some places and allowing it to be released with a 
prominent Disclaimer. Angels & Demons seems to be even more diabolic… read on & 

If you don't mind, I would rather make up my own mind as to what I chose to 
watch and what I chose to reject. I am a fully grown adult and do not need 
censorship of this sort to assist me in my decision making process. Your 
suppression of free thought and free speech makes the name of your organisation 
an oxymoron.

5. The general aesthetics of your website
Christianity is a religion of great visual and sensory beauty. We are the 
recipients of some of the most beautiful Christian art and music in the world. 
Hence, I find it odd that your website is dominated by gruesome imagery 
of Crucifixion and that too some bizarre human reenactment of this Crucifixion, 
creating an overall image of a religion in turmoil, pain, disarray and general 
mayhem. This is not the Christianity, I learnt on my mother's knee. To me, 
Christianity has always meant the serenity of a quiet Church and the solace of 
its private conservations with Christ.

I am quite surprised that so many of the links you provide on your website come 
from Evangelical organizations based in the US. Might I inform you, that these 
Evangelical organizations are the most regressive organisations in the US. They 
are radically racist, deeply xenophobic and hideously conservative. They back 
governments that declare war at the drop of hat and believe in such nonsense as 
a literal interpretation of the Bible including the Creation story, debunking 
scientific evidence to the contrary.

All the above is your prerogative, though, in a free world. You are free to 
chose to believe in the nonsense that you espouse. What boggles the mind is 
that you should file a case against Edamaruku denying him the right to be 
offensive when you yourself are truly and deeply offensive to progressive 

I have little doubt that you have a noble agenda. That you want to protect 
Christianity. But I have great reservations about your methods. They disturb 
me. And they should rightfully disturb all well meaning Christians. As a 
Christian, I implore you to drop your case against Edamaruku. I implore you to 
take away the offensive videos and links you feature on your website and 
continue which your main agenda, which I presume is to bring to light 
the victimization of Christians in India.

Best regards,
Selma Carvalho

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