Dear Roland

I am now in a position to deal with the rest of your response to me: 

How did you come to the conclusion that couples in Canada who are adopting are 
mostly mixed race. You have given no fact or observation or deduction to 
prove this.

If you look at website "Canada Adopts" it shows profiles on the Waiting Parents 
Registry of those couples waiting to adopt, you will see how I came to 
this conclusion:

NOTE the mixed race couples and ages. Can you spot any Canadian couples of Goan 
origin in these profiles?

As an aside, the 2000-odd annual adoption figures cited are probably not 
inclusive of private agencies in the field operating under govt regulations but 
independent of the Adoption Council of Canada.

The Alberta Adoption Statistics from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010 show that 
the number of private agency adoptions in this province were just 83. You can 
check this out on I am not expecting it 
to be very much different in Canada's other provinces and territories.

Of course, all this was written before I realised none other than the 
knightress in shining armour would come charging on her high horse (watch 
minute 1.58 on 
U-tube Bugs Bunny Conducting the Marriage of Figaro) to take my hand and guide 
me through the mysteries of your stray thoughts. A knightress with mysteries 
of her own, we can all recall that many, many, many, many sunsets ago she 
announced on goanet that thankfully her time in the United Kingdom was coming 
an end soon and she was relocating to another part of our planet earth but 
mysteriously she still appears to be here!

To heck with calories, eating (mysteriously lost but now found) Portuguese 
Pasteis de Natas in sweet numbers might be the secret to getting me out of this 
another State of Goan confusion?

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

1 July 2012

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