It is obvious that things will only get worse 
unless there are reforms in all sectors and corruption is not a lucrative 
business. No change can be successfully implemented and those who try will be 
fixed or eliminated. Take RTI which has worked wonders, but the System has 
how to nullify its efficacy. The CIC Shailesh Gandhi whilst demitting office 
said "If it continues like this, the common man will run away from this like 
from most judicial and semi-judicial processes. In the next five years RTI will 
be dead". They are successfully doing it to the Consumer courts. Team Anna, 
discredited by the government using all its dirty politics, are not people from 
the roadside. No one is perfect and it is disgusting to see the arrogant holier 
than thou opinion makers refuse to
form a SIT to investigate the documented allegations by eminent people in team 
Anna, against the so far untouchable elected Lords who make the law for you and 
me but are a law unto themselves. Babus have been made into politicians 
"chamchas"(Siamese Twins according to Justice Santosh Hegde) and we have to 
bring them to justice, separating them by surgery! If we cannot elect morally 
upright people into government, society is doomed.

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