This is what my government SwarnajayantiAarogyaVimaYojana card proclaims. After 
visiting the empanelled hospital in my area, 
the Directorate of health and speaking to the ICICI Lombard insurers, I 
understand there is a MOI between the previous DigambarKamat government and the 
Insurer.  I was advised to find details from Google! Here Aarogya has only one 
"a" and it is Bima not Vima! A cashless scheme for those admitted for treatment 
upto Rs 60,000/-. Parrikar reportedly will raised the limit to Rs 2 Lakhs. The 
hospital I visited told me that it is only for when a patient is operated. No 
OPD treatment and no super specialist either, only primary and secondary 
diseases. They could not give me a list on what I am not entitled to! Also,I 
witnessed cards given to anyone without checking or even if  they said  only 
an Aadhar card, which was issued in a hurry to all regardless as a Unique 
Identification number. We were asked to produce our EPIC card, which those 
receiving then Rs100/- fee or those making the card never checked. Migrant 
labor easily got their cards made. So Goa will be insuring all Indians in Goa, 
whether not goans (what is the defination) or resident etc. 
This is important because when someone goes to the empaneled hospital they may 
admit patient for surgery even though not required, and may claim 
exhorbident/fictitious rates. All Hospitals may understand the MOU differently 
and the uneducated taken for a ride.The Goa government maybe paying a lumpsum 
as insurance fees. It appears no one is clear on what is exactly mandated by 
this scheme. The government must officially make details of 
this scheme clear to all concerned!The Hospitals, the Insurer and the patient, 
so there are least hasels and chances for another scam.

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