On 3 August 2012 21:45, Roland.francis <roland.fran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Gabe,
> Let me try to take the devil out of the misunderstanding:
> There is an old man (the clubhouse) whose death (sale) will result in a
> financial bonanza for the relatives (members).
> While the old man lives, money is required for his sicknesses and his
> upkeep while his relatives continue to live in penury.
> Now, an armed burglary takes place and the old man is shot dead.
> Now should that event be considered a tragedy like Mervyn Maciel did, or a
> bonanza which you some members maintain it was.
> Perhaps like MM there are others who will take a windfall when they get it
> but  will rue it should it not come in the natural order of things.
> Roland.



Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God...

Nice analogy;  I was at the meeting when it was proposed to sell the Club
House and Grounds, it was fait acompli, so there is nothing to be sad
about,  I had abstained but did not object, as there was no viable way
forward, we had come to the end of the road. It is true that to this day
there are many, including me, who have nostalgic feelings about the Club
House and there is a tinge of sadness.  To my knowledge it was only one
Person who wrote to the membership claiming that it was "a God send". To
this day the majority of the members are nonchalant about the whole episode
and do not see any progress despite assertions that sterling work is being
done by the Association.

My grouse was that persons who do not know the history, would feel that we
only lost the Club House because of an arson attack. The proceeds of the
Insurance monies and the of the sale of the Grounds were invested in a Flat
in East London. That was the easy bit, the hunt for Office space has
probably been put on the back burner. Quo Vadis is the tougher bit and
there is nothing, not even in the distant horizon.

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