On 5 August 2012 17:44, Mervyn & Elsie Maciel <
mervynels.watuwasha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Response:
>  The sale of the clubhouse may well have been a fait accompli,
> but until such time as the sale was completed, members would still have
> been
> able to use and enjoy the facilities.
>    Although without a permanent clubhouse or grounds, the Association
> continues to maintain a full programme of cultural and social events
> throughout the year, and this is to be commended.
> Mervyn Maciel

RESPONSE: Mervyn, to the best of my knowledge and that of regular goers to
the Club House, after I left, it was not maintained i.e. I had many phone
calls to my home inquiring why the Club House was not open, on weekends. I
had to inform them that I was no longer at the helm.

I suggest you check around and you will find that what I state is correct;
we had reached a stage where the Club House was cocooned. I dare any of the
Directors of the time to tell me otherwise!

Now please be good enough to give me a year's Calendar of events that the
G.O.A. (U.K.) Ltd maintains and what is the participation by Members. Just
recently the President lamented on the poor attendance at the A.G.M. It is
only when they want to throw out a Life Member that there is any
participation....shows the mentality, do you not think so? The quorum for
the A.G.M has been reduced to just the Directors and a handful - if this is
not a sad reflection of ground realities then what is?

You can't be serious by informing, that the Club House and Grounds were
available for use by Members on a regular basis, for some two years prior
to its demise!
The Association continues due to the hard work and ability of the early
Founders and Members -  the fruits of the proceeds of the Insurance claim
and the sale of the grounds.

Without this inheritance there would have been no G.O.A. (U.K.) Ltd.


Gabe Menezes.

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