Dear fellow goanet readers

I take this opportunity of wishing the Goanet team and community a very happy 
18th birthday with many more to come. I know that goanet holds a premier 
position, an assumption which is based on my recent request to readers to view 
U-tube Bugs Bunny Conducting the Marriage of Figaro watching hand, eye 
and ear movements as this is the makeup of our community, The viewing for this 
started a couple of months ago at 74,474 today it is 97,108 an increase in hits 
of 22,634.

Earlier this year I was reunited with the old and great banyan tree on the 
Choghm Road between St Alex's Chapel, Calangute towards Candolim, she looked 
for her age, I shed a tear and gave her a hug, she survived the huge 
construction projects and white ants over the last forty years .The old mango 
tree nearby 
died and a restaurant is named after her. I mention this as over forty years 
ago, along with other children, we played on the natural swings made from the 
overhanging string roots, one of our playmates lost the only football we had 
among us. A discussion on Chor Bazaar arose where goods stolen could be found 
for sale, readers in Bombay please advise if this place still exists and has 
anything changed in the marketplace in 2012.

Chor bazaar also came to my mind two years ago when a portable machine called 
the vac or snoring machine was used to successfully heal an open wound 
after an operation on my leg. The machine enables open wound healing without 
the need for stitching and would be ideal for our hospitals in Goa but the 
of Chor bazaar put me off looking into this and contacting medical authorities 
in Goa. Still happy to discuss.the feasibility of bringing this to our Goa for 
benefit of all.

Tell me is Chor short for Chorizo, what were its origins? I know that sorpotel 
was brought to us by the Portuguese peasants, the dish is our top dish and 
thinking, related to money, is still hereditary, whatever education one has. 
There would be no need for a police force if we had no criminals .

The ingredients of a good festival is community participation and mutual 
goodwill by the organisers and those attending. The 2012 Goan Festival UK, 
the Union Jack colours, under the banner of GOA UK gave punters a pre-paid 
raffle ticket included in the entrance charge where the top prize was an Air 
airline ticket. As this was a public event, I understand the sound system was 
not audible during the Holy Mass, could it be that when the raffle prize 
were announced, these were equally not heard, hence the need for them to be 
published in the GOAUK.COM website,without the serial numbers, with a deadline 
date to claim prizes of 31 August 2012. Unless all the chorizkars were busy 
eating their chouriz-paus, taking no notice of important announcements? What 
be happening to those prizes that remain unclaimed after 31 August 2012? 
Perhaps our clubs across the globe can share ideas on what they do in such 

Not having the resources, I again ask, through the good offices of goanet, for 
Eddie Fernandes Editor of Goan Voice UK and Menino Fernandes Editor of Niz 
Goenkar who attended this once great Goan event to assist in publishing the 
names next to the winning prizes in their respective publications, if possible 
with a 
photograph of the sponsors handing over the prizes. 

I ask this as a fella of no importance but under the banner of "one who cares" 
not as one who gives a hoot. As with the NRI convention last year in the 
England, I would still like to see how the funds of GBP 8,000 sent by the Goa 
taxpayer, through the NRI office, was spent. 

Now it is over to all of you as time is running out - check your tickets and 
claim your prizes? I wonder if these prizes will be claimed by the kitchen 
circle, the 
inner circle, the punters or has everyone been chorized? Once again, I 
recommend Bugs Bunny Conducting the Marriage of Figaro, in this instance see 
3.32 where the q is broken, you should gather what I mean?

Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

26 August 2012

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