On 26 August 2012 10:19, Melvyn Fernandes <mel...@orange.net> wrote:

> Dear fellow goanet readers
> I take this opportunity of wishing the Goanet team and community a very
> happy 18th birthday with many more to come. I know that goanet holds a
> premier
> position, an assumption which is based on my recent request to readers to
> view U-tube Bugs Bunny Conducting the Marriage of Figaro watching hand, eye
> and ear movements as this is the makeup of our community, The viewing for
> this started a couple of months ago at 74,474 today it is 97,108 an
> increase in hits
> of 22,634.
> The ingredients of a good festival is community participation and mutual
> goodwill by the organisers and those attending. The 2012 Goan Festival UK,
> promoting
> the Union Jack colours, under the banner of GOA UK gave punters a pre-paid
> raffle ticket included in the entrance charge where the top prize was an
> Air India
> airline ticket. As this was a public event, I understand the sound system
> was not audible during the Holy Mass, could it be that when the raffle
> prize numbers
> were announced, these were equally not heard, hence the need for them to
> be published in the GOAUK.COM website,without the serial numbers, with a
> deadline
> date to claim prizes of 31 August 2012. Unless all the chorizkars were
> busy eating their chouriz-paus, taking no notice of important
> announcements? What will
> be happening to those prizes that remain unclaimed after 31 August 2012?
> Perhaps our clubs across the globe can share ideas on what they do in such
> circumstances.
> Not having the resources, I again ask, through the good offices of goanet,
> for Eddie Fernandes Editor of Goan Voice UK and Menino Fernandes Editor of
> Niz
> Goenkar who attended this once great Goan event to assist in publishing
> the names next to the winning prizes in their respective publications, if
> possible with a
> photograph of the sponsors handing over the prizes.

RESPONSE: Melvyn, I think for the sake of expediency persons were given a
ticket - no names taken. So in all likelyhood, the ticket has been lost, or
the winner is unaware - no everybody has access to the Internet.

> I ask this as a fella of no importance but under the banner of "one who
> cares" not as one who gives a hoot. As with the NRI convention last year in
> the London,
> England, I would still like to see how the funds of GBP 8,000 sent by the
> Goa taxpayer, through the NRI office, was spent.

RESPONSE: I think the total outlay by the Goan taxpayer for the convention
was double the amount that you mention.

> Now it is over to all of you as time is running out - check your tickets
> and claim your prizes? I wonder if these prizes will be claimed by the
> kitchen circle, the
> inner circle, the punters or has everyone been chorized? Once again, I
> recommend Bugs Bunny Conducting the Marriage of Figaro, in this instance
> see minute
> 3.32 where the q is broken, you should gather what I mean?
> Melvyn Fernandes
> Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom
> 26 August 2012
> melvynfernan...@virginmedia.com


Gabe Menezes.

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