Dear Gabe

There is another mystery that needs to be solved, what has happened to the hymn 
sheet from the hymn book of the well researched writer of the above article 
"Adrift but not lost", published in OHeraldo recently. Has this sheet blown off 
the ship that captured the mighty 9,000 and still blowing in the wind? In her 
article she has written "These are people adrift in a confusing, alien world. 
What he needs is support from the Goan community by way of legal advice, aware 
welfare and housing benefits..." Can we presume she has forgotten about the 
organisation she continually sings songs of praises about, The Goan Association 
UK, an organisation in existence for over 45 years, it has a Welfare Director 
and part of its mission statement reads: "We also endeavor to provide limited 
assistance to our community and our aim to increase the scope of this service 
in the future".

According to Melvyn (a lapsed member for a few years), who has been involved 
with over 35 years as an honorary volunteer and office bearer with the 
organisation, he feels the current school of thought is more with bricks and 
mortar rather than investing in people.

Wonder if welfare matters on the once good ship GOA UK are now hanging on drift 
wood.........adrift and soon may be lost?

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

15 September 2012

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