On 15 September 2012 22:45, Melvyn Fernandes <mel...@orange.net> wrote:

> Dear Gabe
> There is another mystery that needs to be solved, ............." Can we
> presume she has forgotten about the organisation she continually sings
> songs of praises about, The Goan Association
> UK, an organisation in existence for over 45 years, it has a Welfare
> Director and part of its mission statement reads: "We also endeavor to
> provide limited welfare
> assistance to our community and our aim to increase the scope of this
> service in the future".
> According to Melvyn (a lapsed member for a few years), who has been
> involved with over 35 years as an honorary volunteer and office bearer with
> the
> organisation, he feels the current school of thought is more with bricks
> and mortar rather than investing in people.
> Wonder if welfare matters on the once good ship GOA UK are now hanging on
> drift wood.........adrift and soon may be lost?
> Rose Fernandes
> Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom
> 15 September 2012


Dear, dear Rose,

Well put, here is my in put....

The G.O.A. (U.K.) Ltd is already embarking on an all inclusive policy
although the progression will take at the very least another 15 - 20 years
to be all encompassing. The once a year jolly to the seaside - this year it
was to Hastings, accommodates all Goans whether Members or not, ostensibly
there are not enough members to fill a coach! It will only be a matter of
time when the functions will not have a price differential between Members
and non members!

Besides, who is the current welfare Director, not meaning to be
disrespectful, is he/she a sprightly young thing that can take care of the
needs of our new sprung relatives?  I think that after a period of time our
new found relations will be able to take care of themselves and it should
be this way. God for all, every man/woman for themselves; if one waits for
the G.O.A. (U.K.) Ltd to help they will be in dire straits!


Gabe Menezes.

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