augusto pinto wrote:
> There's a heated debate going on in the Moira-net mailing list between Dr.

> Silvestre Nazare, nuclear scientist based in Germany, and me. Dr Nazare is
> the maternal uncle of Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao and was born in his
> house in Attafondem, Moira. This may interest readers of Goanet and also
> Goa Research Net including Dr Teotonio De Souza whom I quote extensively. I
> reproduce the exchange here.


> By Augusto Pinto
> The Church does not believe in democracy but in hierarchy. Everyone down to
> the smallest functionary is appointed. Therefore each functionary needs be 
> accountable 
> only to the one above him. 

I hate to comment on any material that has been cross-posted as, inevitably, 
one does not get the entire picture.

I will say this though, it seems (to me) that only a fool will accept 
membership in an organisation that asks for money on condition that the donor 
has no say in where the money is spent. 


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