Dear Readers:

In August last I wrote here about The Emu as a Pet and in your Diet.
In summary, the article was about my having two(2) pairs of Emu, my
love for exotic birds, having them in my Garça Branca
AyurvedicBotanical Gardens in Loutolim for visitors to see and
appreciate; in researching the bird preparatory to questions I would
be asked by visitors, I was awed and amazed at its factology - in
particular, the 2% fat content in its edible meat, compared to 25% in
Pork, 23% in Mutton, 42% in Beef, 17% in Breasts of Chicken or Turkey
- these being the fleshes we glut over in our daily diets and on
festival occasions.

As a consequence of the above and having tested Emu in all our
traditional dishes I have undertaken a CRUSADE whose objective is to
convert Goans to this Poultry in preference to overindulging in other
meats.  My program within the Crusade is three-fold presently:

Firstly, the EMU FAN CLUB OF GOA.  Membership, both adult and kids, is
FREE.  The sole objective is to love the Emu and spread the health
benefits it affords us.  The site of the Club is within the Gardens
where the Emu is resident.  So, it is necessary to visit the Gardens
which are open to the public Thursdays to Mondays from 9am to 4pm.  An
attractive and eye-catching button badge is issued to each member
along with a Factology Card on the Emu.
Secondly, an inquisitive and adventurous individual/member can put
together a group of 10 to 12 adults and book an EMU LUNCHEON PICNIC in
our Garden of Eden.  This will afford you a fun/educational/scenic and
bonding time in a beautiful environment of Nature complete with a
luncheon which includes a dish of Emu cooked to specifications by Chef
Carlos.  The consequence of these picnics will be increasing Members
and the insatiable desire to obtain the meat and continue consumption
at home.  The process here is to email me at,
receive the flyer and program attachment, book a specific date, come
and enjoy.
Thirdly, obtaining the meat:  There are no farms in the State of Goa;
these abound in other States in India; consequently, the meat has to
be imported.  I do this for my Luncheon Picnics and home consumption -
I will/would/have imported in excess to meet member requests and
spread of my Crusade.  The price is Rs.400 per kg of
freeze/frozen/packed boneless halal meat with a shelf-life of six
months from slaughter/freezing.  I can be reached at
9822584861/6481231 - a reminder that Loutolim is in South Goa.

I have spoken to a number of Doctor friends.  As we know and without
intention to malign our cultural group, we are imbued with a love for
sumptuous/oily/fried FOODS; consequently, illnesses associated with
this lifestyle abound and the Medical Profession incessantly advise us
to cut-down/stop/exercise or pay the price for obesity, blocked
arteries, diabetes etc.  So, here is a meat that can sustain your love
for our traditional dishes - it is that versatile - and yet meet the
medical counsel to gear-down on fatty poisons.
The American Medical Association and major Health & Fitness
professionals call this meat "The meat for the Heart" and not for
nothing.  So, get on board and bring Emu Meat to Goa on a state-wide

My regards in health.


Carlos and Merlyn
The Garça Branca
Goa's Favourite Bed and Breakfast Resort
Goa's Favourite Botanical Gardens
Ph.No: +919822584861

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