I have read relevant comments/questions from Joe Lobo and Gabe Menezes.
I am unable to answer for the diaspora goan and his/her affordability of
the meat, presently  My simple question to everybody is 'can you afford not
to'?  Would you give up spending on smoking and excessive drinking to
invest in the health of your heart?  Would you spend to make a good and
early start for your kids or would you prefer to sentence them to KFC and
MacD and BurgerKing to the point of no return?
The meat I import is 'boneless and 2% fat'; no wastage; you have to pay a
premium for this choice on every meat at the butchers?  Then, we have no
commercial farms in Goa State.  The nearest is MH but......there is more
local demand than supply there and nothing left-over for export; so one is
driven further afield and Tamil Nadu is the best in all India for quality,
hygiene, automated butchering, freeze-packing and delivery.  Distance and
professionalism in processing adds to cost.
My calculations indicate that once local entrepreneurs recognize the
commercial viability of this bird - there is a market for every piece of
this poultry - then we will have multiple farms in Goa and the price of
meat will compete well with the regular fatty-flesh on the market.
However, a demand for this healthy meat has to be created and nurtured;
fortunately, MH is hungry for more and we can easily export to there.
A question was posed about the Ostrich and a statement offered that its fat
content is half that of Turkey.  In fact, the Ostrich and the Emu are on a
photo-finish in every respect of their benefit to health and commerce.  The
history here is that the Australians, Americans and Europe recognized the
commerce in Emu many, many decades ago;  the South Africans recognized the
Ostrich ONLY for his terrific hide in the legs - everything else was
discarded to the wild and vultures; it is only since 12/15 years ago that
the SA has cottoned on to maximizing the whole bird.  So, Emu has all the
market now, and the Ostrich will be a long while catching up.
I hope the above has been of use to the doubting Thomases.
Yours in health,
The Garça Branca
Goa's Favourite Bed and Breakfast Resort
Goa's Favourite Ayurvedic Botanical Gardens
Goa's only Emu Farm.
Ph.No: +919822584861; 8326481231

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