I have been wondering as to why self-hate is so widespread and extreme in 
India, irrespective of religious and political leanings. While in some cases 
religious chauvinism can provide an explanation, I suspect that in most cases 
we need other explanations. One insight is gleaned from the  simple popularity 
of skin whitening creams in India. People just hate the color of their skin. 
This leads me to the first untested hypothesis to explain the self-hate in 
India. It is a phenomenon that has been labelled as internalized racism or same 
race racism. People just hate their own race. There is some evidence that it 
might be a residual effect of colonialism, casteism and other forms of 
oppression. It is sort of a broader version of the well-known Stockholm 
Syndrome. The second explanation is simply an exaggerated and 
counter-productive response to old-fashioned low self-esteem and perceived 
unworthiness generated by comparing apples to oranges,
 the opportunities for which are greater today in the internet and satellite TV 
age than ever before.



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