Mervyn Lobo has portrayed Gerrard Street in Toronto perfectly. It also reminds 
me of River Road  and Indian Bazaar in Nairobi. Pan shops were a common site in 
nearly every block. Pan spitting was also common in these areas. It proves that 
wherever the Indian goes, his pan supari goes with him but instead to eating 
his pan in a civilizes manner in a civilized other country where he did not 
belong, he continued with his disgusting and uncouth manner spitting and 
defacing the walls to the disgusting Red hue which needs no painting up to a 
certain height. This proves that you can get the Indian out of India, but you 
cannot get India out of the Indian. What a shame. unfortunately, because we are 
the same colour, and have the same black hair, we Goans too are bunched up with 
this lot. ( MUHINDI).

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

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