On 28 May 2013 12:31, Venantius J Pinto <venantius.pi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mervyn's option for himself is no less strange. The idea of being creamted
> and then having the ashes thrown in the Niagara. I mean just leave them.
> That just about gels in with the idea of unrest. Basically, damn your
> ashes. Thats moving on if that is at all a concern.
> At least the other folks created a space for their guy. It is as much for
> them as it is for their idea of him. The sentiments are hardly strange at
> least to my "discalced" mind.
> Being buried or cremated is the norm, Earlier hardly anyone had their
> mortal remains cremated. Its only after that optioned was sanctioned that
> people choose cremation. Of course we are talking of RCs. But all this
> leads to the part about what and what is not strange. Usually the strange
> bit comes from anyone not used to a deviation, or a deviation that does not
> get with their way of seeing or accepting someone/ choices.

COMMENT: Now this one is even better:-

Enter Promessa Organic.

The Swedish company wants to take your body, freeze it in liquid
nitrogen<http://www.promessa.se/facts/how-its-done/?lang=en> and
then shatter you into a million pieces using sound waves (this ensures you
crumble into a powder). Once this is done, the powder is put into a vacuum
chamber where all water within it boils instantly. This reduces the
powder’s mass by 70% – this is quite a lot considering it still weights the
same as a body. What is left is organic residue along with any medical
devices you might have had implanted in you (such as pacemakers). These are
separated out and the powder is sterilized. Your powder is then placed in
a cornstarch coffin which allow the remains to turn into compost within a
year and half. Simple!

“Our ecological burial reduces environmental impact on some of our most
important resources; our water, air and soil,” says Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak,
biologist and head of Promessa Organic AB. “At the same time it provides us
with deeper insights regarding the ecological cycle, and greater
understanding of and respect for life on earth.”

No fossil fuels, no natural resources – just some fuss and a little muss!



Gabe Menezes.

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