This is in reply to JC's message No: 7, dated: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 on the
subject. Through this message JC sends his self-styled and self-exposing

What is more striking is when my message was addressed to Marshall Mendoza,
JC prefers to send in his reply (as if Marshall Mendoza's spokesperson) and
in the bargain JC makes self-contradicting 'Self-Confession' displaying JC's
hidden attitudes!

U. G. Barad


MY original message to Marshall Mendoza was: 

I'm not born to vote for any particular political outfit nor do I subscribe
to any particular party's views nor a member of any political outfit nor
defend each and everything that that party does like you do for Kangress

I've my own views and I act accordingly. In fact, I've expressed this and
much more on this subject to you and many Goanet members on various
occasions (to confirm this, check Goanet Achieves) And now if you still
think I belong to 'xyz' party, well, you can think so and continue to think

While concluding this short message let me reiterate, Food Security Bill is
a wrong bill brought in at wrong time! And that all 'middle class' Indian
will have to suffer and get squeezed between poor and rich and wealthy

JC's COMMENTS through Message No: 7; dated: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 were:

I do not believe that anyone is BORN to vote for anything, let alone any
particular political outfit. 

Like Dr. Barad, I do not subscribe to any particular party's views nor am I
a member of any political outfit. 

Like Dr. Barad, I do not defend each and everything that that any party

Unlike Dr. Barad, I do not pick only on The Kangress party!

I pick on any party or politician who I notice doing 'non-brilliance' be it
Kangress or Bhojje Pee.


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