
1.If the poster chooses to live in denial of the evidence furnished by me
in the documents provided by Prof Borges just because they are unpalatable
to him and do not support his views, there is nothing more we can do about
it. He is free to live in his world of dreams and fantasy. Who are we to
deny him his enjoyment?

2. secondly, his asking me to provide historical evidence of my owns views
( which in his bird brained and juvenile way chooses to call speculations)
should count as the Joke of the Month. All the evidence has already been
provided in my previous posts from the documents which Prof Borges himself
submitted. If he wants to a blind eye to them, we cannot help it. When he
is cornered and unable to provide documentary evidence to support his
Chinese Whispers akin quotes, in the ways of a canny and wily politician he
tries to pass the buck and wants me to provide evidence to the contrary. It
is like asking an innocent man to prove that he is not guilty. When he
provided the quotes, he ought to be able to support them with evidence. Why
is it so difficult for him to do so if he is confident in the source of his

3. I have placed before the poster several questions in my previous post.
Why does the poster shy away and develop cold feet in answering them.
Resorting to rhetoric and bombast is no substitute for sound argument. I
repeat them again for his benefit:

3. If, for the sake of argument, we accept that Fr Jerome and Prof
Mookerjee did press for not extending economic and social benefits to dalit
christians during the debates or in the run up to the adoption of the
Constitution, why was the Constitution adopted with the safeguards intact?

Why was the Presidential Order issued barely 7 MONTHS later which excluded
all other religions except hindus from availing of the benefits?

What transpired during the intervening period from 26th January 1950 to
9th August 1950 for this Presidential Order to be issued?

4. Santosh has quoted M Madhu Chandra as saying:

In 1950 upon the representation of Christian leaders for not including
Scheduled Caste Christians in Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order
1950, the assurance from then the Prime Minister and President via
letter dated 7 November 1950 and 17 December 1950 respectively were
..........M. Madhu Chandra

If the dalit christians were excluded based on the representation of
Christian leaders,
a) why did the Christian leaders protest and make a representation to the
Prime Minister after the Presidential Order was issued?
b) Why did the PM and President have to give any assurances?
c) What were these assurances?
d) Is it possible to access these two letters of 7 November 1950 and 17
December 1950? They would shed much light.
I look forward to Santosh throwing more light rather than heat on this

When I ask these questions it is more with a keenness to acquire more
knowledge rather than proving that I am right or the poster wrong.


*I am sorry I cannot do anything about the fact that the respondent
below continues to engage in rhetoric and insults.

I am interested in knowing how the constitutional notion of Scheduled
Castes and tribes came into being in Indian history. In response to
the said respondent's prior rhetorical question, Prof. Borges provided
factual information and links to two debates of the Constituent
Assembly. I provided facts reported by three genuinely well-informed
professionals of different backgrounds, based on their own independent
research - the first a Jesuit priest, scholar and professor (Fr.
Izzo), the second a human rights activist (Madhu Chandra) and the
third a journalist (Sunil Dasgupta). From the standpoint of an
objective rational person all this information would be much more
trustworthy and reliable compared to the long-winded interpretations,
speculations, insinuations and rhetorical questions contained in the
respondent's latest post appended below, especially, given the fact
that the claims in his earlier posts in this thread were shown to be
false. Therefore, in order to properly stack up his credibility
against that of Fr. Izzo, Chandra and Dasgupta, I would kindly request
him to provide historical evidence to support his own prior and
current speculations.

Now as far as my own task and interest are concerned I have accessed
information that answers the following questions:

1. Were Dalits belonging to Christian and other religious minorities
ever included in the Scheduled Castes list at any time before the
Presidential Order of 1950, as the respondent seems to imply?

2. Did the Christian members of the Constituent Assembly petition,
lobby, ask or insist that Dalit Christians be included in the
Scheduled Castes list drawn up in the Presidential Order of 1950? (Did
they object to, or recognize as unfair, the fact that Dalit Christians
were not included in the Scheduled Castes list at any time before or
after the Presidential Order was issued?)

The answer to each of these questions is NO. Here is the evidence.

1. Scheduled castes were always recognized to include only Hindu
Dalits even before 1950, and expressly exclude Christian Dalits.
Please see this Scheduled Castes order of 1936:

Here is a quote:

3. Notwithstanding anything in the last preceding paragraph—
 (a) No Indian Christian shall be deemed to be a member of a Scheduled

2. Scheduled Castes were defined as "a section of the Hindu community"
in the first Minority Rights Report in 1947, and accepted as an
amendment in the assembly. Here is a quote regarding this in one of
the assembly debates:

1-A. The section of the Hindu community referred to as Scheduled
Castes as defined in Schedule I to the Government of India Act, 1935,
shall have the same rights and benefits which are herein provided for
minorities specified in the Schedule to para. 1
......K. M. Munshi

Please see:

3. The fact that Scheduled Castes were recognized and accepted as
distinct from Christians and other religious minorities by the members
of the Constituent Assembly, including the Christian members is clear
from the following quote of H. C. Mookherjee, the lead Christian
representative, in one of the debate links provided by Prof. Borges:

...let me point out once again that the Scheduled Castes have been
given reservation not on grounds of religion at all; they form part
and parcel of the Hindu Community, and they have given reservation
apparently and clearly on grounds of their economic, social
educational backwardness.
......H. C. Mookherjee

Please see:*
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
    • ... Santosh Helekar
      • ... Santosh Helekar
  • ... Marshall Mendonza
    • ... Jose Colaco
      • ... Mervyn Lobo
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
  • ... Gilbert Lawrence
  • ... Marshall Mendonza
  • ... Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
  • ... Marshall Mendonza
    • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Marshall Mendonza
  • ... Marshall Mendonza
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
  • ... Sebastian Borges
    • ... Jose Colaco
  • ... augusto pinto
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
  • ... Sebastian Borges
    • ... Mervyn Lobo

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