Dear Merwyn,
I know that in
order to become a Christian one gets him/herself baptized. In order to become a
Hindu too one goes through certain ceremonies. (I don’t know what they are, but
have read that people who have "reconverted" to Hinduism have gone
through some such ceremonies.) So, how does one become an Atheist? Does one
perform/undergo certain ceremonies? Or does one just stop
performing/participating in some activities which s/he did as a Catholic/Hindu/
.....? Does eschewing such activities automatically make one an Atheist? Else,
how does your neighbour know that you have converted to Atheism? We must note
that caste discrimination (positive or negative) is performed on you by others
who must necessarily know your caste. To my mind, Casteism, like Atheism, is an
attitude of the mind. My reading is that the caste system might have
originated/evolved as an adjunct of Hinduism, but caste discrimination, or
casteism, is not a necessary part of the Hindu faith; one may devoutly practice
the Hindu religion without being a casteist and one may renounce the Hindu faith
yet retaining the casteism.

And I, a
Catholic of Goan parentage (born and brought up outside Goa and blissfully
oblivious of the practice of Christianity in my parents' parish in Goa) but
settled abroad proudly declare: "I absolutely
deplore the mention and use of The Hindu Caste System wrt Christianity, be it
for subjugation OR for the purpose of gaining special privileges by way of
Reservations." [Perhaps
this was the stance adopted by the Christian members of the Constituent Assembly
too.] Denying admission into the major confraria to a dalit is certainly not
subjugation, but that admission, when granted, would certainly be a special
privilege to a dalit since this has never been available to him. Now, would you
say that, with my stance, I am tacitly supporting my father's relatives who are
denying that admission to a dalit?

It is not that
the Vatican is unaware of the type of Christianity that is being practised by
the Catholic Church in India. Please see:
These are
nearly 14 years old; what steps has the Vatican taken, in the meanwhile, to 
correct the situation and
with what success?

Your Greek and Egyptian might debate the issue to their heart's content, and 
until the cows come home; but would this bring any solace to the slave? Please 
give it a thought.
What is meant
by "a cultural Hindu"? Is the culture of an Ayyangar identical with
that of a Rajput, both being Hindu?

Sebastian Borges

On Fri, 6 Sep 2013 Mervyn Lobo <> wrote:

Sebastian Borges,
While caste is a truly cruel practice, one that affects (whether they admit it 
or not) all those in India, sitting here in Toronto I can only view what you 
have written above in amazement. It is almost like time travel. It is like I 
have been transported back 400 years.

Reading the above is also like reading a debate between an ancient Greek and an 
ancient Egyptian on who treated their slaves better. It is only of academic 
interest to the reader. To the person on the receiving end though, slave 
treatment, or in this case, near slave treatment is terrifying.?

My question, and this is to any brave heart here, is:
Does a person still retain his/her caste when s/he becomes an atheist? ?

Or does one remain a cultural Hindu forever.....


Sebastian Borges
  • ... Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
  • ... Marshall Mendonza
    • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Marshall Mendonza
  • ... Marshall Mendonza
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
  • ... Sebastian Borges
    • ... Jose Colaco
  • ... augusto pinto
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
  • ... Sebastian Borges
    • ... Mervyn Lobo

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