O Heraldo - Nov 10, 2013
John: Revive Dona Paula, Vasco 'sea link' plan [pg 1]
Says it will cut distance to Dabolim by 20 kms

Navhind Times - Nov 10, 2013 [pg 5]
Disaster Management skills  demonstrated for NCC Cadets


GOA SU-RAJ PARTY has much to CROW about it's immaginative and visioned ROAD MAP FOR GOA. It was in 2005 that the Road Map was released and it had talked about the need for the Dona Paula - Vasoc Sea Link as well as bridging the Dona Paula -Nerul expanse for the coastal Highway to service the coastal areas upto Morjim and beyond so that the road traffic is dissected and made congestion free. The Digamber Kamat Government copied this idea and ate up quite a chunk of taxpayer's money by appointing Consultants to study this proposal and in the end nothing came out of it. Mr. Jonh Fernandes has gone on record to say that this link was not the Congress' baby. John also talks about the Navy shifting out to Belgaum in the immediate future, that Dabolim's strategic position is unsuitable for major defence purposes. This is exactly what the GSRP was shouting about with the coined up potent slogan 'ONLY DABOLIM - NAVY GET OUT'

Another visionary thing that GSRP's Road Map for Goa dwells elaboratively over is the non-existent GOA'S DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN. As per NT's report above, is it only the NCC's baby? GSRP has shown the way how this Management Plan has to be built up involving all sections of the population of Goa.

If GSRP is not the visionary political Party of Goa with a difference, then we shall want to know what is.

floriano lobo

PS: GOA'S date with GSRP for 2017

[III]  GENERAL ADMINISTRATION - 6(e)  Bridges & Fly-Overs:
Possibly a suspension bridge to connect Dona Paula plateau to Dabolim/Vasco. The desirability of connecting all existing ferry points by bridges shall be examined and acted-upon accordingly within a specified time frame. A bridge to connect North Goa riverine belt to the capital city possibly connecting Nerul/Verem to Campal/Miramar or Dona Paula plateau in Panjim shall be considered. Existing ferry points, dual movement ferries shall be introduced which do not necessitate reversing so that vehicle can enter and exit without reversing. Pipe-structured bridges such as the ones on the Guirim-Carrasco Vaddo highway by-pass shall be replaced by arch bridges, as the submerged pipes pose hindrance to the free flow of water and is the cause for siltation of the river beds. Every major intersection of the highway shall be provided with a fly-over or a subway for vehicular traffic. Pedestrian crossings shall be built either underground or overhead in order to ensure the safety of the pedestrians without hindering the free flow of traffic.

8.  Disaster Management:
Appropriate certified agencies will be engaged to set up fool-proof Disaster Management Plans for the port town of Vasco in particular, as well as all other cities and towns of the state, including the entire coastal belt. Citizens shall be conscientized of the 'do's and don'ts' in case of emergencies as well as during major disasters like fires, earthquakes, cyclones, flash-floods, tidal waves, tsunamis, major oil-spills etc. Government shall have appropriate numbers of trained disaster management personnel who shall move into action on short notice. Fire stations shall be equipped to fight chemical and industrial fires besides normal fires. The State shall be kept in the 'readiness-mode' at all time to cater to any and all internal natural disasters with respect to evacuations, search and rescue operations, emergency accommodation of the evacuees as well as relief operations including setting up of emergency kitchens and food & medical supplies and services. Suitable places shall be identified and kept in readiness in case mass burials/cremations are required following disastrous calamities such as crippling earthquakes and recently experienced Tsunami in order to curtail epidemics. Supplies like tissue paper, oil coagulant spaying material as well as clean-up operation facilities and equipment to cater to major oil spills in the coastal areas of the sea shall be kept in readiness and/or to be made available at short notice with needed manpower details. A list of doctors, civil and mechanical engineers, nursing staff and paramedics shall be compiled and kept updated every three months indicating their respective stations, to be mobilized as per the coded emergencies. The State of Goa shall be made fully ready in all preparedness to cater to relief operations not only within the State but also in the neighbouring States as well, if and when required.

Take the instance of 110 tons of fuel oil spillage into the sea across from Aguada light-house [ early March 23, 2005] as a result of a moving barge colliding with an anchored vessel. It took the local authorities as much as 11 hours to take cognizance of the occurrence. Disaster Management Plan under any circumstances must be deployed within a shortest possible time span. This can be achieved only if thorough preparedness is maintained and the machinery kept well oiled to move into action on emergency footing.

The state of lack of preparedness to tackle natural disasters have been exposed in Goa vis a vis the land-slide at Dicarpale in South Goa and the flooding of Mala-Fontainhas, Panjim, during the recent heavy showers. Disaster Management seems not to be on the list of priorities of any people's Government as indicated by the total lack of preparedness of the Commercial Capital of the Country, Mumbai as witnessed during the unprecedented flooding of the Megapolis.

PS: If the people refuse to become politically 'SANE', politics will remain dirty + more.


Amchem Goem

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