Caro "Amigo 007":
-it happens! 
We know that half the people don't care about your troubles and the other half 
find them amusing?
I can relate quite well to your tale of woe having been there and done that. 
So, from a safe distance: Thanks for a rare moment of hilarity on GoaNet.
From: Jim Fernandes <>
To: "" <>,
    "" <>,
    "" <>,
    "" <>
Subject: [Goanet] Experience at Jet Airways
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Most developed nations have customer service that goes well beyond their call 
of duty to provide?their customers a better experience. But in India, there is 
no such thing as a customer service. In India, its all about 
How-Quickly-Can-I-Make-My-Money or How-Much-Bonus-Can-I-Make.
A case in point, is my recent experience with Jet Airways in India.
In order to simplify purchasing my airline ticket on a website, I purchased one 
ticket from JFK to BOM on Virgin Atlantic and a second ticket from BOM to GOI 
on Jet Airways. Both tickets were purchased using my US issued credit card. I 
did?not realize that because I purchased two different tickets,?my baggage (2 
pieces of 50 pounds each) would not qualify for the same weight limits on Jet 
Airways. The lady at the Jet counter in Mumbai explained to me that there was 
nothing she could do to lower my excess baggage bill and that the orders to 
charge for excess baggage came directly from their CEO Mr Gary Toomey. So I 
ended up paying Rs 7000 in excess baggage - because their rules allowed only 15 
Kg (33 pounds) of baggage per passenger. This is unbelievable! First of all, 
they charged close to?$200 for a round trip flight between BOM and GOI - a mere 
50 minute?flight each way and another $115 dollars on excess baggage! 
On the way back from GOI to BOM, I cut down on my baggage because of the rip 
off. Never the less, I still ended up paying Rs 4500. I just had to bring some 
Goan stuff back with me - otherwise I would have never considered paying 
outrageous fees.
Just so that you do not fall in this trap, my advise is to purchase your 
tickets on the same PNR (one booking for the entire journey).
Congratulations Mr Gary?Kenneth Toomey?on your extra earnings. Please enjoy the 
extra bonus you are going to reap at the end of the year! But you are never 
going to see me or my family travelling with your airline - ever. I am copying 
this email to Mr Toomey and their public relations folks, so that they?can 
share this good news with their?company's stake?holders.
On the other hand here are two most recent positive experiences in North 
1. During a recent?trip to Toronto and its suburbs, I ended up driving on 407 
ETR. I vaguely remember going through some section of a highway where it 
indicated that its a toll road. I thought, their cameras could simply scan my 
US issued EZ Pass or I could simply pay my toll manually and be on my way. But 
there were no toll booths nor any human collecting the toll. So I simply drove 
About six weeks later, I got a bill from Canada for $18 indicating that my car 
was scanned driving on their toll road without a transponder that pays the toll.
I called the customer service at 407 ETR and tried?to explain to a very fine 
lady that I wanted to pay the toll but that there was nobody collecting it. 
She?treated me courteously and explained how their system worked. Since this 
was my first time going through the Canadian ETR system, she waived off the 
fee. How nice!!! I feel like going back to Canada and spend some more money 
2. I over shot my parking time in NYC by about 4 or 5 minutes and was promptly 
issued a parking ticket. If you are not aware, parking tickets in NYC aren't 
cheap. So I pleaded not guilty and submitted a nice?explanation along with my 
proof of parking payment and highlighting that I missed only by a few minutes. 
At most, I thought they might reduce my pain by lowering the fine.
But I got pleasantly surprised when I opened their email and found that they 
dismissed my ticket. Wow!!!
You will never find such luck in India .... Maybe if you bribe!
Jim Fernandes.
New York.

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