* Coping with trouble: Soccoro's prayer-hall arson (followup)
How did the authorities cope with the fire at a prayer-hall in Goa? 
Mayabhushan Nagvenkar of the Herald comes out with another side of the 
story, after a shocking investigation.

* Cops and robbers... tales from the law and order front
In recent months, a three tier combination of the modernisation scheme, an 
eager and enthusiastic Director General of Police and an obliging 
administration, saw the Goa Police make the most of the sanctions earmarked 
for modernisation funds.

* Ravi's floorcrossing: what's ideology got to do with it?
May 10's resignation of Goa Deputy Chief Minister Ravi Naik from the BJP 
may have caused a loss to the ruling party. But at the same time, it cannot 
be dubbed as very good news for the Congress particularly in the long run, 
says this interesting analysis by Vijay de Souza.

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