Margaret Mascarenhas

Who=92s sorry now

So now we know. We know that the Goan electorate is a lot more politically=
savvy than the parties give them credit for. We know that Goans have once=20
again delivered a fractured mandate, and left the Assembly hung out to dry.=
In the process; regional parties made a bit of a come-back and the national=
parties were taught a lesson.

The Congress learned that most people are sick of the same robber barons,=20
and that relying exclusively on the communal card to win votes is really=20
stupid.  The NCP learned that 1 out of 15 is a joke and that they had=20
better come up with an election agenda that isn=92t complete gibberish. The=
BJP learned to pay as much attention to Fundamental Rights as to=20
fundamentalists, not to count their chickens before they hatch, and that=20
arrogance is not bliss.

For some reason Dr Willy de Sousa, the NCP=92s one-man-show, continues to=20
insist that his own version of politics does not constitute=20
defection.  Which has led me to the conclusion that the doctor could use an=
English lesson.  The standard dictionary definition of defection is:=20
desertion/abandonment of one=92s leader, or side, or cause. That is to say:=
it is the act of departing, not the destination, that is relevant. Whether=
one leaves to join another party or to form a new one, has nothing to do=20
with the price of tea in China. Leaving, quite simply, constitutes=20
defection, not to mention a betrayal of the electorate. I can=92t be=20
positive, but I=92d be willing to wager that under this definition, Dr Willy=
is the biggest defector on Planet Earth.  Also: if he wants to be Speaker,=
it might be a good idea for him to learn the meanings of words.

Incidentally, =93winnability=94 is not a word.

And, speaking of words, while the heat was on, veteran columnist Mario=20
Cabral e Sa likened the antics of Goa=92s political hopefuls to a =93naughty=
can-can=94, where the participants perform a zany dance, kick up their=
and then turn around and expose their tushes (hey, guys, shake your=20
bootie)=97the most apt and hilarious campaign analysis I=92ve read to date.=
nearly fell on the floor laughing.

Some analysts are of the opinion that the BJP emerged from the election=20
fray with a slight majority based predominantly on the outstanding=20
administrative performance and squeaky clean personal record of Manohar=20
Parrikar during his unelected tenure as CM. (Just about everyone agrees=20
that there was never any question of him losing in his own=20
constituency.)  The stats seem to show that the voting public is=20
increasingly disillusioned with the Congress=92 refusal to divest itself of=
the taint of defection politics and widespread corruption, and that a=20
considerable portion of the secular vote went to the BJP for this reason.=20
(Personally, I think it is pathetic that out of one billion people, the=20
Congress can=92t find a single Indian to serve as its national leader.)

Other analysts have gone so far as to say that, had it not been for Gujarat=
and the rabid communal mumbo-jumbo emanating from the VHP, Narendra Modi=20
and Prime Minister Vajpayee, the BJP would have won, at the very least,=20
three more seats in Goa. Certainly, the BJP had it=92s act together on the=
campaign front =ADwebsite, front page ads, brochures, rallies, and seemingly=
tireless footwork=97which, by comparison, made most of the other parties=
lazy, confused and/or ridiculous.

Anyway, Goa now has, for the first time, an elected BJP CM, and only time=20
will tell whether he is up to the task of running Goa effectively and=20
fair-mindedly. It would be nice if he would follow the 5-point plan of=20
Nandkumar Kamat (Navind Times, June 3), but I=92m not holding my breath.

Meanwhile, I=92m trying not to contemplate nuclear war and have switched my=
focus to the three Fs: Fashion, Football, and Fish-Curry-Rice.

Wendell Rodricks has apparently retired from a brief stint in politics and=
opened his new showroom at Altinho, followed by a fun-filled party at the=20
Ozone Bar. Those of you with adequate cash flow will rush up and stake your=
claim to a designer original; those of you without, well=85what the hell is=
that you=92re wearing?

Goa Foundation has released the long-awaited revised fourth edition of=20
Fish, Curry and Rice (at Hotel Nova Goa (hard and soft-cover, priced at Rs=
750 and 500 respectively). Those who attended the launch, received an=20
attractive one-time-only discount.

All over Panjim, on June 1st, people were panicking and phoning each other=
because they didn=92t have TenSports. I myself was ready to pack my bags and=
move to the suburbs, which were already =91on the ball=92, so to speak. But=
Panjim connection finally kicked in for the inaugural ceremony (the BOOM=20
song failed to turn me on). The World Cup got off to an exciting start,=20
with some unexpected results: Senegal beat France, the defending champions,=
1 to 0, and Germany whipped Saudi Arabia=92s butt, 8 to 0. But I have eyes=
only for Brazil and Argentina.=20

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