On Tuesday, 21 June 2016 12:50:16 UTC+3, Egon wrote:
> On Monday, 20 June 2016 18:02:53 UTC+3, blue...@gmail.com wrote:
>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bPOQJTHF8Js/V2gEJqUg5jI/AAAAAAAAACI/lg6cWG0cJqo0tFl4wsuDYF2w4kycTbRPACLcB/s1600/blank.png>
>> I am attempting to generate a random starfield, in go. This is something 
>> that will need to printed on actual paper, but that is another issue and I 
>> only mention it to give some context for what I am doing here: Using go to 
>> create graphics to pair with something I'm already doing in go (I've been 
>> through several iterations of trying to use the go parts I have with 
>> numerous variations of tex/latex templates using asymptote, and I reached a 
>> point of frustration where I figured why not just do it all in go, as it 
>> seems less a problem than I originally thought -- but opens a new set of 
>> problems to solve, one of the biggest is that I know nothing at all about 
>> graphics, let alone how to apply graphics in go).
>> Cosmic1 from:  
>> https://gist.github.com/thrisp/1ed1785ac6a902585595fb8cb52f0a16, 
>> generates the above it is the first thing that even roughly approximates 
>> what I want to do.
>> Any thoughts, or help cleaning that up. Maybe tell me why exactly I can't 
>> directly translate an opengl shader to something cpu bound(which I suspect 
>> is a thing, I may need to do more that I can't see right now).
> As for the current code:
> Here you are picking a random rotation for each pixel:
> a1 := .5 + float64(float64(mr.Intn(size.X))/3)/float64(mr.Intn(size.X))*2
> a2 := .8 + float64(float64(mr.Intn(size.X))/2)/float64(mr.Intn(size.Y))*2
> This can change for every pixel (in shader the time is a constant for one 
> frame):
> time := float64(time.Now().UTC().Unix())*speed + 0.25
> In func toUint8(in float64) uint8 { you need to clamp the value between 0 
> and 255, otherwise the conversion overflows.
> Color adjusting code doesn't match the shader code.
> I suspect there are further issues in the iteration code.
> PS: often with such fragments you can simplify code and achieve a similar 
> result with less details, e.g. 
> https://gist.github.com/egonelbre/b5f41ac8946e609ce1a944631dd462ef

Here's the minimal code for doing that: 

+ Egon

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