I did indeed mean to reply to all (done that this time)!

Sure, I understand that it's "cleaner", but I'm advocating the internal
package approach because:

   - it solves the problem today
   - it benefits from being able to take advantage of existing compile time
   optimisations without needing those same optimisations to be reconsidered
   in a world where such method sets can be defined within a scope other than
   the package scope

But if you raised this point here in order to propose a language change,
I'll quietly slip into the shadows!


On 19 August 2016 at 19:38, Joshua Liebow-Feeser <he...@joshlf.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> I think you meant to reply-all to the mailing list as well; this was just
> sent to me :)
> My point is not about whether a type is exporter or not, but whether you
> can define it inside a function or not. Consider the following two
> implementations. This one <https://play.golang.org/p/fVfcSZPspO> is valid
> Go today, but involves declaring the 'sortableInts' type at the top-level,
> which in a complex file with a lot of code, can clutter things up a lot.  This
> one <https://play.golang.org/p/mvHJOj9htp> is not valid Go, but is much
> cleaner - everything is contained within the function.
> Cheers,
> Josh
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Paul Jolly <p...@myitcv.org.uk> wrote:
>> Hi Josh,
>> I think those are interesting ideas, but my concern about scope-local
>>> methods extends beyond just the methods of the sort.Interface interface; I
>>> was just using that as an example. The same complaint applies for any type
>>> used only within a given scope that needs to implement any interface.
>> But internal packages cover this case too, no? Apologies if I'm missing a
>> more fundamental point you're making.
>> Considering the case of go/ast.Visitor
>> https://godoc.org/go/ast#Visitor
>> An unexported type implementing this interface could be kept within an
>> internal package, e.g. mydomain.com/banana/internal/typefinder, and an
>> exported function used to access this behaviour
>> // mydomain.com/banana/internal/typefinder.go
>> package typefinder
>> import (
>> "go/ast"
>> )
>> type impl struct {
>> nameToMatch string
>> idents      []*ast.Ident
>> }
>> func (i *impl) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
>> switch node := node.(type) {
>> case *ast.Ident:
>> if node.Name == i.nameToMatch {
>> i.idents = append(i.idents, node)
>> }
>> }
>> return i
>> }
>> func GetMatches(name string, node ast.Node) []*ast.Ident {
>> walker := &impl{
>> nameToMatch: name,
>> }
>> ast.Walk(walker, node)
>> return walker.idents
>> }
>> And used from mydomain.com/banana as follows:
>> // mydomain.com/banana.go
>> package banana
>> import (
>> "mydomain.com/banana/internal/typefinder"
>> "go/ast"
>> )
>> func myFunc() {
>> var file *ast.File
>> matches := typefinder.GetMatches("example", file)
>> }
>> The "issue" with this pattern is that you quickly arrive in a position
>> where you have an internal package per helper type... maybe that's not a
>> problem in and of itself however.
>> Again, apologies if I missed your point.

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